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The Yuki Family Part 2 (NSFW)

The Yuki Family is one of both expansion and interaction with human history even if the humans are unaware of it. The impact on the Coalition of Deities was enormous. Resources, people, technology…..even if the Coalition had access to magic, it suffered from the lack of numbers. The Yuki rats instead use sheer numbers to counter the problem. The Coalition upon letting the Yuki join them increased their numbers by a factor of three overnight. The Yuki had nothing but to gain upon joining the unity of deities, fairy tale characters, and legendary creatures. The magic was available for them to use and the Yuki in turn offer their numbers, homes, and technology for the Coalition to benefit. The impact was so substantial, that the Coalition of Deities would rename themselves, the Coalition of Mythics by the early 21st century. Unfortunately, problems began to arise by the late 21st century. While the rats were continuing to expand in secret, humanity was increasing in population more and more. Earth's environment was to pay dearly. The polar ice caps were melting, sea levels rose, and air quality had fallen to an all time low. Humanity was forced to relocate to new locations as coastal towns began to slowly flood. It was often said that humans were used to walking around in masks because it was so hard to breathe. Nowhere was safe, the Earth was becoming lost to human mortals. In the 22nd century, the human race would watch as a bacteria that was frozen in the polar ice caps be unleashed. Known to many as "The Orange Muck", it was ten times worse than Red Tide of the 20th and 21st century. Feeding off the pollution, the bacteria secreted a toxic orange and red color to the oceans and seas. The Earth was sick and all life was beginning to perish. The final nail in the coffin was Yellowstone, a super volcano in the United States that would go off. Earth was becoming a sickening gray and orange mess……. The Coalition of Mythics, were not without mercy. They had remained in secret and their rules were paramount. If it was humanity's choice to destroy themselves, then so be it. The mythics were essentially immortal and wouldn't feel a thing. The human mortals began to wane. Ten billion lives were reduced to five to six billion within a course of years. But with all that said, some of the mythics watched the environment and began to protest the rules of non-interference. The Yuki alone, needed the humans to be alive. They were vital to ensure that the bachelor's had mates. If the human race completely died out, the Yuki in turn would lose a part of their soul in the process. What became the event known as Starfall, the Coalition of Mythics decided that action had to be taken. Humanity was trying to resolve its mess. A planetary evacuation had been declared. Earth was a lost cause. Ships were to be launched to colonize Mars in pure desperation. It was here that the Yuki knew that something had to be done. The Coalition of Mythics announced that it would play more of a part in humanity's destiny. The goal was to remain in secret of course but they could still use the technology and resources to help give a gentle push for humanity. The Yuki still disguised as humans, poured enormous amounts of money to everything possible, technology that the Yuki devised was shared covertly to humans, and other resources were all made available to human mortals. The Coalition of Mythics in making themselves more aware to humanity would officially rename themselves the Lunarans. Named after Earth's moon, it was a fake religious cult all devoted to help turning the moon into a launching point to ensure that humanity had a checkpoint before heading to Mars. The human disguises remained, and humanity would never truly know the great benefits the Yuki would offer. The Lunarans, were considered one of the odd cults. Even though most the Yuki lived on the moon in underground homes/dens, a few spots appeared in the new colony of Mars. The human population of 5 to 6 billion managed to successfully relocate and colonize Mars over a course of almost a hundred years despite the great hardships. Many were aware of the Lunaran religion. It consisted of many women, that were seemingly rich, looking for male bachelors, and had women with the last name Yuki. The human mortals that were welcomed in would learn the truth that the religion was not a religion at all. The Lunarans were none other than the prior deities, mythical creatures, characters, and fairy tale characters of former Earth. As long as they were willing to keep it a secret, the human mortals were welcomed as the future husbands and wives to the Yuki and other mythics. A good life, magic, resources, were all waiting for the ones that "embraced the religion of Lunarans"….. Of course, the Lunarans had succeeded for the most part. Its numbers were in the millions now. The Yuki rats were the vast majority of that population, consisting of over 80% of that number. Characters such as Taweret and the other fertility mythics had done their part in helping the male Yuki population and other mythics achieve in producing children with the humans. It was a common sight to see a human woman with a male Yuki husband or to see a human male having two or three Yuki women with him in turn. In secret, the Lunarans had achieved a genuine paradise. The moon might has well been the new Eden even though most of humanity never knew it. All of this would change after the famed Gabatrix Experiment of 2259. One of the greatest events in human history would change everything including the lives of the Lunarans themselves. With the discovery of the famed Equatis Wreck found on Mars, humanity was only able to salvage one piece of equipment from the million- year-old alien ship. What was salvaged would take humanity over ten years to reverse engineer, but it was the most important piece of technology to ever come into existence. It was the ability to fold space. With this technology, humankind could now travel to other systems by creating temporary wormholes. Gate station arrays linked humanity to make leaps to other systems almost instantly. Ships capable of carrying gate array probes, could now travel to other planets and back again without traveling hundreds of years by conventional drives. All thanks to the great pioneer named Ciro Gabatrix that did the great experiment in 2259. The gate array station built over Mars was used to find other habitable planets, and humanity had begun to expand itself. Numerous planets were explored, and colonies were being founded. Cebravis, Oshun, Batrice, Cipra,….., there were many worlds that were founded. Within thirty years of the Gabatrix Experiment, humanity would create the United Worlds' Alliance (UWA) that serves as the modern-day United Nations for Mars and its colony worlds. The Martian Navy (Mars' only real military force) was also expanded into the United Human Navy (UHN) to accompany all the colony worlds. No longer did humanity call themselves as the former people of Earth or Mars, but as humans from other planets and moons. Of course where does this leave the Lunarans or the Yuki Family? This story is about them and not necessarily mankind. The answer was obvious. New colony worlds were being constructed. The Lunarans had long accomplished its goals for humanity and were an ancient name for the religious cult of the moon. The Lunarans, and all the mythics knew that it was time to leave just as most of the humans on Mars were beginning to do by the 2260s. The Lunarans had made a public announcement that they would pack up their bags and begin leaving to create a world of their own. The Yuki Family, the former deities of Earth, and the other mythics had constructed a powerful vessel simply named the Lunaran Ark. The ship was enormous measuring over 800 meters in length. The ship was seemingly white in color and having a large pink tail array behind the ship. Mysteries were abound once the ship appeared in UHN sensors of the great white ship. Where did it come from? How did the Lunarans come up with the resources to build the ship? Investigations from the humans revealed nothing but it was proven that the Lunarans and the Ark had no hostile intentions. The Lunarans had announced that it would colonize star system Gliese 1061. Many more mysteries circulated from mankind on why the Lunarans would choose planet c as the world to live on. Gliese 1061 is a red dwarf star. All three planets are tidal locked and radiation being expelled from the star bakes the surface of planet c. Living on the surface was harsh even with the latest technologies. However, the Lunarans obviously had nothing to worry about. Living underground was the perfect excuse to create a colony that was away from most human sensors and eyesight. Using magic and science, the Yuki Family and the Lunarans had created vast cities all underground. The Ark would make numerous trips for years until all the Lunarans were completely vacated from Earth's moon. Planet c would be renamed New Olympia, a name that exists proudly as of the 24th century. The UWA acknowledges the colony of New Olympia as one of their own. The Ark hovers in orbit and has been renamed the UHN Osiris, the flagship of the New Olympian fleet. The former religion of Lunarans had long been dissolved and the people of New Olympia had begun. The mythics could live in their true forms and live as themselves under the surface of the planet. Technology and magic were used to expand the planet's cities and vast resources to pure unimaginable magnitude. Great white warships were constructed that were capable of doing things that no true human vessel could ever achieve. The New Olympians had turned their underground shielded world into a Garden of Eden, while the top surface still gets pummeled with radiation. To this day, the New Olympians enjoy this great paradise, mythics come to the UWA and UHN conferences in their human forms. The human mortals still have no clue what the New Olympian's true identities are. Human mortals are not allowed to come on board the warships of the New Olympian fleet, and rumors abound on what the ships are capable of doing. The flag of the New Olympians is unusual, having the multi-colored pinwheel in the center, the branch with the leaves on the left, and the paw print on the other side. No human mortal on the outside has any idea why such a flag was adopted, to begin with. New Olympia does not export much to the UWA worlds. Instead, it does rely on imports of the most important thing to them…..human bachelors. New Olympia is known as the number one world where adoption takes place. The UWA barely needs orphanages because New Olympia adopts every child from the other worlds. Investigations to ensure the well being of the children are made and report nothing unusual. Tourism is welcomed to the planet, and the human mortals that come are brought to a waiting area. It is here that human tourists are given a choice. The humans that come to greet them reveal their true identities to the tourists. The human mortals learn almost immediately that the universe is bigger than they ever imagine. Most of the population of New Olympia are the former Yuki family consisting of up to 80% of the population. Most of the population is female rats looking for human husbands just as they were hundreds of years ago on Earth, Luna, and Mars. Human mortals can decide to stay, live a life of luxury, become parents, have the greatest system of resources available to them, and have magic and science to allow them to live long lives. Polygamy, much like the former Lunarans, is regularly practiced. There are more female mythics on New Olympia than men. It is rare for a human mortal to have just one wife. Two…..three…..four….., a person must be ready to become a father to the many that come to seek their marriage. Of course, it is always a choice. The human mortals that decided that sort of life are not for them; they will have their memories of the true identities of the New Olympians erased. They will then think they had a wonderful time on the planet and return back to the colony worlds to live the rest of their natural lives. Of course, most human mortals will go with the first choice, and who could blame them? New Olympia is paradise. For the man seen above, it was obvious he choose the first option. As the UWA reaches the beginning of the year 2349, there are fourteen colonies/worlds that exist. Uncertainties remain on the horizon of the growing organization. Mysteries of New Olympia remain. The UHN has a roster of super-powerful dreadnoughts registered under the New Olympian fleet. Fear in the UHN has risen with the discovery of an alien race that calls themselves the Itreans, which would lead to the JJ-78 encounter. Only time will tell on what will happen next as the UWA, Mars, Cebravis, Batrice, New Olympia, all discuss on what to do with the massive hostile alien force that lies beyond…..
Artwork by Nerton