© CMed (TheUniverseofCMed) 2021
Database and Lore
The United World’s Alliance (UWA)
“The UWA is the current process of the
human race. It is my hope that they continue this
process and remain this way in the future. If they
were to cease from existence, then we’re in deep
trouble.” Gabatrix at the UWA Elections Precinct
on Mars, 2313 AD.
The history of the UWA is one that goes as far
back as the history of the human race. Its legacy
has been one that knows that it is in an infantile
state but gained enough ground to survive the
political infrastructure to remain as it is today. To
simply put, the UWA is humanity, and humanity is
the UWA.
The beginning of the UWA didn’t really start
until Mars had been established as the central hub
of human activity. With the evacuation of Earth in
the 2140s, it would take almost sixty years before
all former Earth governments had to be
successfully transferred to Mars. The process was
not an easy one, and it would take much time to
place the building blocks of creating a society that
all Martians could enjoy. Basic freedoms, liberties,
and societal welfare were important. However,
many of the former nations of Earth had their own
beliefs on how a government should operate.
There is no doubt that Martian history was
plagued with near civil wars or potential
What was essentially concluded was that the
Martian government would operate under a
chairman or chairwoman. It is, in many ways,
similar to the German government and
chancellorship of the post-1950s, which was
considered to be a very successful concept in the
political structure. Unified Germany had led to an
economic powerhouse in Europe, and it was hoped
that Mars would lead the way in that future. But,
of course, many other things had to be also
considered. Post Communism did lurk in many of
the population. Was such a political ideology to be
also considered?
The general consensus had reached a point
that the answer should be one that the population
feels is fair. In reality, most businesses and
corporations had to restart from the ground up on
Mars completely. Capitalism did exist, but it would
take time for markets to be created and ideology
to reflect it. Government oversight was
everywhere, and it was generally needed so that
the markets could properly start. At the same
time, many felt that any form of political parties
would only lead to further instability. With the fact
that cultural mending was happening, there was a
ban on any form of political parties or major
religious practices from forming when the Martian
government was established as early as 2200. This
form of Post-Communism and Socialism has been
criticized and supported by the people alike.
However, many historians point out that
the laws had limits to them. Once everything had
been fully established, the bans would naturally
reach an expiration point. The people let the laws
die out, and political parties and religious freedom
return once again. By 2225, the government of
Mars would remain pretty much the same as it
would by 2350. The election of the chairman or
chairwoman was indirect, being that people voted
on the people that would place the leader into that
position. A Judicial and legislative/elective system
had been installed. However, when compared to
the post-Earth views, Martian politics had much to
consider. Money and resources were always
problematic. Having the resources to take care of a
population of cramped billions was a struggle. It is
why the early days of the Martian military were
one of almost outright neglect.
It wasn’t until the 2230s when the scientist
Equatis, had accidentally discovered the remains
of an ancient starship on the Martian surface. The
famed “Equatis Wreck” was one that seemed
promising that the human race wasn’t alone.
Regardless, the wreck of the supposed alien ship
was over millions of years old. It was in such horrid
condition that barely anything could be recovered
or established on who or what used it, with the
exception of one. The nearly destroyed databanks
taken had conveniently carried the specifications
for gate folding technology. The project seemed
absolutely promising. The Martian government
made great care to begin all research into the
creation of gate folding arrays, probes, and future
ships that could utilize the technology. However, it
would take another twenty-five years to finally
piece all the information.
By the late 2250s and beginning 2260s, the
experiments of gate folding technology proved
fruitful. By now, the population of Mars has
remained hopeful. Any prior discontent in the
population had stalled as a unified effort to reach
outward began. All efforts began to find a New
Earth. Anything was better than Mars or prior
Earth, and the population hungered for it. The
government was equally reflected on this concept.
The history of the UWA was seen as a
product of future oversight. Many politicians knew
immediately that new colonies were going to be
established. Once the famed Gabatrix Experiment
had been concluded, all efforts were put into place
of having colony ships created. Politicians eyed
new planets and societies to spread the human
race outward. At the same time, an economic
boom was developing. Transport ships were
overfilled, and care was needed to ensure that the
crowded locations of Mars would still be active in
the next thirty years. When the planet of Cebravis
was colonized, many Martian politicians eyed at
transferring the administration center to this new
world. It became a hotly contested topic, but it
was mostly argued that the agreement would be a
little bit of both.
The most significant determining factor in
the future human political spectrum was that
Mars was clearly established as an industrial
infrastructure. The general populace of Cebravis
had practiced Naturalism and the return to the
basic fundamentals of nature. Therefore,
environmentalism was extremely important in
maintaining the general ecological welfare of the
new planet. A similar mentality would also flow to
other ecologically rich worlds. While
administration centers were created, most of the
laws were incredibly harsh on anything that could
lead to environmental destruction. At the same
time, Cebravis had the most of the human
population as Mars and former Earth were further
and further abandoned. As a result, Cebravis
politicians had concluded that they would become
a “breadbasket,” world where it would supply food
and be food industrial.
However, many other worlds were also
being colonized as well. Oshun, New Olympia,
Batrice, and Gillan were other worlds that were
founded. While these worlds didn’t gain as much
attention as Cebravis did, it was becoming evident
that many turned to Mars and Cebravis as core
worlds. Martian politicians knew that a central
government was needed. Even famed individuals
such as Gabatrix had pushed for the idea of a
unified government spectrum. This would allow a
cooperative series of laws and freedoms that all
individuals could enjoy.
It wouldn’t be until the 2280s that the UWA
was drawn up. These worlds would place the basic
constitution and bills necessary in the creation of
a United World’s Alliance. It would become a
system that was looked very much like the United
Nations of former Earth. The biggest exceptions
were the UWA would have way more powers. Mars
would be the central location for UWA
headquarters as it still held vital industry. The
formation of the UHN would also recognize the
Deimos Shipyards as the central leading
construction platform for future warships. While
many colonies had created their own
governments, many were still in an infantile state
and almost perfectly mimicked the Martian-based
system. It wasn’t difficult for many to declare the
request to operate under a single government
In theory, the UWA does allow rights in how
the governments of colonies can operate unless it
deliberately breaks with the established
fundamental human rights and freedoms. For
example, Gillan and the future colonies of Aphadus
and Palora do have an elected president for their
world but still have to adhere to the demands and
requests of the UWA chairman or chairwoman.
Both avoid getting into the deep political
spectrums of the UWA and vice versa to prevent
friction from developing. Usually, if such an event
does occur, it is the responsibility of the leaders to
reach an agreement with each other.
It is the flexibility of the UWA that has
allowed it to survive all the way to 2349. Its ability
to compromise with other worlds, adhere to their
requests and demands, and allow free trade and
tourism between worlds is what keeps it
functioning. The creation of the UWAN or United
World’s Alliance Network is also a major
contributing factor in keeping the alliance firm.
The use of gate arrays to link internets between
planets allows communication to be virtually
instantaneous. Many historians have commented
that “the UWA is the most successful outcome of
human history that easily surpasses the United
Despite this, however, politics always
exists. Political parties and organizations will
remain a constant. The Cebravin Homefront is a
political movement to make Cebravis the central
capital of the UWA. The MNR or Martian
Nationalist Republican party is devoted to having
more UWA rights over planetary rights. The CLS or
Colonial Socialist party is dedicated to having
more rights for the colonies over the UWA. There
are also smaller parties such as the LF or
Libertarian Freedom that believe in little
government and PCM or Post-Communism
Movement party that believe in a return to former
Earth 20th century Communism. None of these
political parties or movements are barred, and
freedom of speech is promised to all.
Even with the foundation of the UWA, the
economic rise was slow. Much of the reason was
for the fact that the original Martian economy was
fragile, to begin with. The creation of new colonies
wouldn’t happen overnight and take over twenty
to thirty years to finally cement themselves to
having regular trade and basic industry.
Thankfully, gate folding technology has always
proved to be substantial. Worlds like Batrice and
Gillan capitalized on interstellar travel to begin
spreading their mining industry to mineral-rich
worlds deemed unsuitable for human life or any
known form of life. Prior to the UWA, it was known
as the great expansion boom as a series of new
colonies had been founded. However, by the 2290s,
there were no new known colonies. It wouldn’t be
until Palora and Aphadus were founded that the
UWA began to expand in size.
There were no real objections to the concept
of the UWA, only the way that it functioned. The
common currency, the Martian dollar or mard for
short, was the widely accepted monetary value.
Batrice had expressed interest in having multiple
currencies, but there was opposition by the other
colonies. This still didn’t mean that other things
could still be traded in basic exchanges, but the
mard was the method to buy and sell things.
With the inevitable passing of Gabatrix, the
UWA has begun to see a slight shift in its function.
While it remains at a strong point, the passing of
one of the great pioneers has put the population in
a slightly apprehensive state. With only a few new
worlds, such as Cipra and Eutera to add to the new
members of the UWA, it has solidified the first
colonial worlds. Planets such as Batrice have
debated the concept of slowly separating from the
alliance. It has become an economic powerhouse
with its own super fortress and shipyard facilities
that have openly challenged the Deimos Shipyards
of Mars. Other places such as Oshun and Palora
have had allegations of corruption in their
government. The UHN has placed alerts that it
wishes to keep building up its forces to help
prepare for any possible encounters or possible
discontent that may occur in the UWA world.
Regardless, the system is still intact.
The ultimate true test, however, would
come from the Itreans. After the discovery of the
alien race, the military forces were quickly pressed
on wide alert. Ironically, any fragility that the UWA
had was only solidified. The original purpose of the
alliance was to provide protection for one another.
All of this would be brought to the test soon after
the JJ-78 incident.
*Spoilers if you haven’t read past Gabatrix:
Minerva arc*
The actions of the AI Minerva had shocked
the population of the UWA. Chairman Aniruddhra
was a leader of mixed popularity. According to his
reasoning, he fully endorsed the application of
creating a super-intelligent AI and other prohibited
experiments due to a variety of reasons. Most of
this was because, according to him, “that the
human race was ready to return to things that
they had purposely avoided.” Another crucial
reason was to have a potential weapon or tool to
provide to the UHN in case of any possible hostile
alien assault. When Minerva was supposed to be
shut down, the Itreans had already conquered
Many historians have purposely avoided
placing too much blame on the chairman. His
policies often reflected that of being open to
change but avoiding going too much into war
production. It was a widely popular belief in
moderatism just before the JJ-78 incident. When
the conflict of the Itreans began, he pushed to
have an all build-up into the UHN, but it was too
late for him. Opponents quickly turned on him and
blamed him for being too weak and not doing
enough to help out in the war effort. They called
for Minerva and her child to be terminated. The
end result was that Minerva turned on the people
for trying to kill her and her child. When “she” had
taken over the Martian network, she purposely
requested to be spared along with her newborn. It
became a watershed event. The general populace
agreed to have her spared along with the
chairman. Knowing that his popularity was
completely vanquished, Aniruddra had stepped
Further challenges were pressed onto the
UWA. It was more than evident that the UHN
couldn’t repel the alien invasion. While Eutera and
Cipra weren’t important colonies, the loss of life
was still significant. While a few in the population
could quickly point out that the UWA was too
weak against foreign opposition, others
appreciated its tone. The colonies were struggling
to work together. At the same time, nothing could
be done as the UWA placed priorities into
defending Mars, Batrice, and Cebravis. If these
worlds fell, then humanity would fall too.
*Spoilers if you haven’t read past Gabatrix: The
First Peace arc*
There is no doubt that the UWA saw the most
significant reprieve with the T’rintar clan. Not only
did the Itrean clan offer to provide safety and
security to the UWA, but it also served as a way to
back one another in case of a large-scale invasion.
Technically, it was mostly a military alliance, but
one that was easily shared within future cultural
impacts. The UWA had various opinions about the
alien race. Some were mistrust and misgivings,
while others carried a wide-open view with them.
Cultural-wise, the impact wasn’t as strong as most
scholars believed. While it was true that the
Itreans had a slew of different religions, cultural
ideologies, and points of view, this didn’t mean
that the T’rintar were going to socially consume
the human race. If anything, the T’rintar clan,
much like the other Itrean clans, was recovering
from their own dilemmas.
The alliance has no judgment in how each
other’s personal affairs operate. The political
spectrum has been one of careful separation but
cohabitation at the same time. While the T’rintar
clan are eager to “receive human bachelors,” there
is also slight repression of those desires by both
sides. Politically, while some politicians are open
to the encouragement of human bachelors to go to
Itrean space, there are some hidden resentments
and fears of such an action. Fear of catching some
unknown disease or carrying something that could
unwillingly contaminate another world has been
expressed. According to the Itreans, there is very
little to fear in such matters since they have
already managed to overcome those adversities.
Both the T’rintar clan and UWA are designed
to be two separate entities. Even with the alliance,
regardless of ill feelings, both understand that
there is no turning back with such a unity. Instead,
politicians have had to embrace the T’rintar clan
and vice versa. For more information, please refer
to History of Sex in the 24th century, the UHN, and
Itrean clans to further learn of the impact of the
Human/T’rintar Clan Alliance.