© CMed (TheUniverseofCMed) 2021
Database and Lore
Unut (NSFW)
If it is one thing that the Egyptians are known
for, it is certainly their plethora of animal deities.
Among one of the many is none other than Unut
but who is she and what did she do?
Unut goes by many names. This includes
Wenut, Wenet, and Unnut. Not much was
originally known about her but as time and
fascination towards her continued so did the
attempt to learn more of her. It is interesting to
know that originally she started off as a snake
goddess. How and why she became a hare goddess
is a mystery but there are statues of her as the
famed hare goddess.
Unut was founded by the cult of Thoth in
Ancient Egypt. Originally an entire Nome or
district was named after the Hare goddess herself
and was even known as the Nome of Wenet or the
District of the Hare. She originally served as a
messenger for the god Thoth. This made her often
referenced as Wenet the Swift One. It is important
to know that Unut is a hare goddess and not a
rabbit goddess although it is very easy to mistaken
the term usage. The Desert Hare or known as the
Cape Hare was a popular choice for a deity in
Egypt. Only predators such as the Cheetah could
even catch the fast moving Hare with the ambush
predators even having any hope of trying to
ambush them for a meal. They live in the open
instead of dug out barrows and they give very
little scent to discourage hungry predators.
Females typically give birth to one to three babies
in up to four liters per year. Babies are born with
their eyes open. This is no where compared to the
rabbits that live in other places around the world.
However, in all aspects, to the Egyptians she was a
popular choice. Speed and swiftness was the
defense against the forces of darkness and Unut
was seen as a defender against evil. Her speed
made her hard to hit or attack allowing her to
deliver her messages safely without ever getting
caught. Her husband was Wenenu whom some
think maybe the god Osiris or Ra.
In Tales of Heroes, Unut has a unique history
and an important one as well. She is the Goddess
of Speed, the Goddess of the Harvest, and the
Goddess of Fertility. This all makes sense since the
hare could be found in a garden and still reproduce
well to the Egyptians. Her natural fast speed was
just icing on the cake. Her husband was Wenenu
and she was among the many deities out there.
She lived a quiet life with her husband for the
many thousands of years while occasionally have
a child here and there. One of her surviving sons
would later go in a famous race against a certain
tortoise in the famed Tortoise and the Hare story.
It is also rumored that some of her other children
would also appear in various other stories that we
all know well. This alone would have made her
famous but there is more.
The time came when the destructive force
known as Cataclysm would try to wipe out all life
in the Solar System. With the dwindling numbers,
ultimately even Unut was chosen to go and fight
against the creature. She participated in the last
wave led by Ryujin before the Lintarsha Crystal
was activated. While some of the deities managed
to get away safely, the shock wave from
Cataclysm's death created a magical concussive
force that hit the last wave of deities. This resulted
in casualties and injuries that would cause
everything from wounds, broken limbs, and
memory loss. The memory loss alone was probably
the worst injury of them all and it was not often
that the Coalition of Deities had to launch
extensive searches for their fallen comrades.
Despite all the efforts, Unut was never found and
eventually assumed dead.
What happened though was that Unut came
crashing down to Earth landing in the Sahara
Desert. With her memory loss, she had no idea
who she was and what she was. As she walked
around the desert for some time she would slowly
have bits and pieces of her memory come back to
her. Eventually she would encounter and see
humans for the first time since her memory loss
and the event was frightening to her. With poor
memory, her natural fearful instincts took over
and she had no idea if humans were intent to bring
harm to her or not. She would travel further North
and try to find a place to live in solitude away from
all human contact.
As time progressed so did War. World War 2
expanded to all parts of the globe. The war in
North Africa would ultimately tie the Allies and
Axis Nations against each other and the desert
turned into a battleground. Libya was controlled
by the Italians and natural resources such as oil
was needed for the war effort. It was not
surprising that the Italian soldier Danilo Gabrile
would watch as his unit would get ambushed by
the Allies. Being the only survivor, he manged to
escape safely from the battlefield. For two days he
wondered in the endless expanse of desert trying
to find help and regroup with other fellow
comrades. Starving, lack of water, and near death,
he found a cave somewhere deep in the desert.
Who he found would shock him. He accidentally
had discovered Unut living alone in her well
established cave. In no position to do anything, he
collapsed under her pawed feet.
Sympathetic, Unut would care for the ailing
soldier. They did not understand each other's
words at first but she nursed him back to health.
Eventually able to get back on his feet, Gabrile
wanted to rejoin the war effort again but the hare
goddess would have none of it. She would not
allow the man to leave for telling the other's about
her would at least in her opinion mean her
inevitable capture or possible harm. It wasn't to
say that Gabrile had much going for him back at
home. The Italians were losing the war and there
were rumors traveling around that the Italians
were getting eager to revolt against the fascist
leader Mussolini. He had no real home to go back
to and no wife waiting for him. Unut on the other
hand felt a growing attachment towards the
soldier. Loneliness after her memory loss was
always there and Gabriele was a natural remedy
for this. They had everything for each other and
their love and romance was inevitable.
It is not surprising that Unut has gained more
attention as time progresses. Children's cartoons
often depict characters of an animal anthro like
aspect that makes them unique and
distinguishable among the youth but it is far more
than that. Rabbits and Hares tend to represent not
just a more innocent quality to them compared to
other animals but also a fertility and sexual
nature. Rabbits are known to reproduce in large
numbers, have very soft fur, and seem
cute/adorable to many individuals. It is not
surprising that our media from anime, movies, and
even to the adult industry (such as the Playboy
bunnies), often use rabbits as a sexual and even a
fertility symbol. In ancient times the goddess
Ostara would help inspire the concept of the
Easter Bunny and other places around the world
would also view hares in great respect. Other
deities such as Eros and Aphrodite that are god
and goddesses of love and sex, have a hare with
It is not surprising that Gabriele found a place
at Unut's side. Her cave and home was extensive.
Her ability to grow foods as a harvest goddess
allowed her to properly feed her human
companion and lover. She even had the ability to
use her magic as a Fertility Goddess to help
impregnate herself. Fertility magic is such a
wonderful power to have. After some fun in the
bedchambers and a little bit of magic, the natural
process of life could begin in her. As her memories
would occasionally show her, she knew she was
capable of becoming a mother, she informed
Gabriele that she was able to produce children
with him. It was his wish to become a father. He
came from a large family as it was and to him, he
had no issue having kids with her. She wanted to
become a mother and that was how it would be.
There are numerous advantages to
reproducing with a deity. Not only does your genes
get passed along but your lover never ages. Your
children can be happy to know that they will never
age. This alone is something that people can never
ignore. It is natural to want to see your legacy
continue far in the future as mankind continues to
evolve and change around you. Maybe a child will
grow to become a god, maybe the child will live an
ordinary life, maybe the child will grow up to do
great things. There is no bounds to the possibilities
this can bring.
As seen here, this is but the first of many
children the goddess will bring to the world.
Just like the statue that depicts her, she
holds her staff. Nuzzled to her breast is her first
With the fact that deities never age, one
major benefit is that you can have children at any
time. It is not uncommon for some deities to stay
with their lovers even if the human mortal is 90
years old. To them, the enjoyment of being
together and enjoying the time together was
important. Human men can obviously still keep
making babies even at such a ripe age. Unut over a
course of forty years continued to produce child
after child with Gabriele. The cave even though
spacious was always in the need to be expanded.
The cave turned into a nursery, a school, and a den
for the family. Unut kept herself at a good pace of
producing babies, taking care of them, and raising
them to adulthood sometimes even having twins
in the process of each pregnancy.
The legacy of Unut is something that cannot
be ignored in Tales of Heroes. In 2005, Gabriele's
time of life was coming to an end. Life and time
naturally passed for the human as he lay with his
lover beside him. Never aging a day, Unut kissed
him one last time as she listened to his final
wishes. He wanted her and the large family that he
made with her to go out and venture to the world
and find other people to be with. He also wanted
her to grow his favorite tree in the desert that she
was more than capable of to mark the area where
he passed away. With one final breath he kissed
her on the lips as his heart fell still.
Honoring his wish, Unut ventured above
ground with her grown up children as she used her
magic to grow the same tree that Gabriele grew up
with in his backyard when he was a child. She
watched as the tree grew to its full length and the
children stayed for hours to honor their father.
The magic drew the attention of the Coalition of
Deities as they sent a team to investigate the
magical disturbance and discovered Unut and her
family. Her rediscovery was another cause for
celebration. Not only was she found alive but she
had a large family in tow with her as well. At a
time when the Coalition of Deities was trying to
replace their lost numbers, even Unut's presence
was more than welcome. Many of the children that
were adults would travel to different destinations
in their new human forms given by the other
It wasn't a completely adventurous time
period for Unut. The Coalition of Deities helped
completely restore her memory and she was
shocked at everything that she did and was even
embarrassed somewhat. Not only did she live as a
different woman but she also produced a large
family with the man. Sadly, Wenenu her former
husband, never survived the battle with Cataclysm
and she was left missing both her original husband
and the man she was with during the 20th century.
This however does not mean that she was left
alone though. She still had a large family of her
own now and as the saying goes "Time heals all
wounds." Maybe she will take a husband once
again in the future. In the end, Unut produced up
to 43 children (23 girls and 20 boys) with the
human mortal. She almost beat Ammit in the
amount of children she brought into the world
with just one man alone. Some of the adult hares
even displayed the ability to use magic and new
and unique abilities.
Most of the male hares born from Unut and
Gabiele would go and join the massive dens of the
Yuki family as husbands to the Yuki rats. The need
for husbands from the Yuki rats was a hungry maw
that could never be completely quenched. The
female hares born would either come and assist
the Yuki or venture to places around the Earth to
live with the human mortals, become wives to
them, offer whatever assistance to the Coalition of
Deities that they could, and even become mothers
Maybe one day you will be traveling down the
road to meet a woman who seems to be both
Egyptian and European descent. Maybe she will
speak with an Italian accent to you. Maybe she
might be more than she appears to be. Perhaps it
is only until you reach the bedchambers together
that you will truly get to know him or her before
you realize that you are talking to one of the many
children of Gabriele and Unut.
Artwork by Nerton