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The Siv Mark 1 Class Scouting Battleship
*Spoilers if you haven't read past Gabatrix: The
First Peace arc*
“Small and poorly armed, they are no match
against our battleships, yet, the Aksren only seem
to make more and more. They eventually just
overwhelm us in the end,” a UHN enlisted man
What was designed as a replacement to the
research vessels of the Aksren clan had become a
sort of advanced support ship for the small recon
fleets. The Siv is considered poor in design but
makes up for it by being used in large numbers to
bolster the far distanced clan fleets. From its
popularity, it seems that it will be used for a very
long time despite its fame of being moderate in
Before the Itrean Civil War, the Aksren clan
immediately knew that it needed additional
warships. The most significant issue was that its
research vessels would make poor scouts and that
cloaking battleships were uncommon. In addition,
with the clan devoted more to aggressive offenses,
it needed something to supplement the
The Siv class was often seen as a perfect
choice, although there was much criticism right
from the beginning. Designed as a reconnaissance
ship, the vessel is moderately armed for its size. It
carries a single light railgun and a scatterpack
missile launcher array. This allows the vessels to
serve as bare missile boats. It would carry a basic
sensor array package and cost about half of a
typical standard battleship. The issue of the vessel
was the fact that many others viewed the vessel
as a potential for serving a myriad of roles.
Unfortunately, the original specifications called
for this ship to be used only as a reconnaissance
vessel. Contrary to belief, the Itreans used basic
recon vessels but never wanted smaller warships
to support fleet actions. The reason for the fact
was that the battleships carried a sizeable
armament that they really didn’t need to have
smaller escort ships. The cost of producing a
standard battleship had more value than building
a spree of smaller but less effective ships.
Many saw the concept of the Siv to be
adequate in its role. It was a far improvement over
the past research vessels and more durable. It
didn’t take long for the Aksren clan to begin
construction of the Sivs immediately.
Even with the advent of Zilik’s Disease, it
didn’t slow down the construction of the Sivs. They
were looked at as a cheaper alternative to the
battleships and could be built twice as fast. By the
time the temporary ceasefire was lifted, many of
the Sivs were dumped into forward offensive
fleets. There they would break off often with the
company of a leading Italx battleship to lead them.
These aggressive recon fleets often saw much
action, pressing the Sivs into a role that it wasn’t
perfectly designed for. While the vessels could use
its scatter missiles to inflict some damage, it
wouldn’t take long to deplete its missile supply.
The light railgun and poor CIWS armament did
little damage. The end result was that the Sivs
were being used as poor escort ships.
Regardless, it was all that the Aksren had,
and they would continue to keep using the Sivs in
the same intended role. According to sources, the
Siv was often ridiculed in the fleets for being
“fragile toothpicks with a peashooter” by the
Aksren clan. According to the T’rintar clan, the
warships were considered to be “harassment
vessels within the first hour of the battle, then
worthless afterward.” While they worked at times
in being able to perform the roles of
reconnaissance, their combat record was
This still didn’t stop the Aksren from often
using the Siv as much as possible. At home, the Siv
was used as an interdiction vessel and could help
provide relief to the other battleships to be used in
the frontlines. Against pirates or small terrorist
groups, the scouting battleship was adequate in
its role. As a result, orders were made to make
more and more of them.
The UHN would often see the Siv class in
moderate numbers, and it's no surprise. With the
aspect of advanced scouting raids by the Aksren
clan, the Sivs would be seen alone or supporting
the Italx battleship. While they were looked at
with apprehension, in the later years before the
T’rintar clan alliance, the Sivs were still easy
targets. Often, the UHN warships would choose to
target and destroy them first or last. The only real
value that the Aksren clan ships did was provide
another target.
The Aksren clan was fully aware of the
limitations of the Sivs and would introduce the
Mark 2 rather recently. The Mark 2 presents a
series of vast improvements, including a storage
bay for missile reloads and better CIWS batteries.
While it fixes much of the problems, it’s still seen
as an inadequate pocket battleship. The shipyards
and half-operated population to crew them place
the ships as disposable platforms.