© CMed (TheUniverseofCMed) 2021
Database and Lore
Reynard the Fox (NSFW)
There has been no better defined fairy tale
character among the surviving fairy tail
characters after Cataclysm than Reynard the Fox
himself. But who is he and what is he in real life?
Reynard the Fox is mostly a French fairy tale
character. His origins mostly come from France
and the center of Europe and he is often the first
remembered true fairy tale character among the
stories. The crafty fox was known as far back as
the 12th century and was remembered through
poems and recorded stories that were passed
continually as time progressed to today. The story
became so popular that the word renard is now
the word for fox in the French language. His
stories were often used as a way to help promote
the church during the time but his stories are still
there for others to read.
Standing at 4 feet in height much like many
of the Fairy Tale characters, Reynard the Fox or as
he preferred to be just called Reynard, has had a
long history of being crafty. He would occasionally
play tricks on his rival a wolf named Ysengrim,
that in turn would do everything in his power to
get rid of the tricky fox. It would be a continuous
struggle in which Reynard would usually come out
as the victor. In some of the final tales of him,
Reynard had faked his own death to escape
persecution in the kingdom. Even his wife
Hermeline the Fox, had given up hope on her
husband and ultimately remarried upon finding
that he supposedly died.
But what happens beyond that? After all the
stories and poems what happens to the well
known fox? In Tales of Heroes the answer is
amazing and expansive as history itself.
Reynard the Fox after discovering his wife
had remarried, left the kingdom to live among the
humans. Upon finding other deities and fairy tale
characters around him, he would gain access to
the Crystal of Ve that would grant him the power
to turn back and forth to human form to disguise
his true form among the humans. He would travel
through Europe and participate in human history.
He was seen in the Hundred Years' War in France
in the fight for their liberation in the long struggle
against Britain. He even talked and worked with
Joan of Arc before her regretful loss.
Cataclysm was a changing event on all the
characters. Reynard it was no different. Most of
the fairy tale characters were wiped out save but
a few. He never gave up hope though and knew his
place. Summoning the surviving fairy tale
characters, Reynard was selected to be their
representative among the Coalition of Deities. He
would become one of the prominent leaders that
would create the Union of Non Deities. The goal
was to ensure that those that were not god like
still had fair treatment and rights as the gods
themselves. Reynard would help the gods in their
teams to keep balance on Earth, search for other
missing characters, search for any magical items,
and of course survive.
In a mission in the 1830s to search for a
Lintarsha Shard, Reynard would discover a woman
named Trisha, an African slave to be sold to a
slave owner in the Southern United States. A
teenager at the time, Trisha was displaying the
signs that she had magical powers. Even though
weak, Reynard upon studying her would find that
she is possibly a long lost distant relative of an
African goddess named Oya, the Goddess of
Storms. Inclined to protect her, he would have an
adventure trying to save her from the men who
would want to see her in shackles.
Trisha felt happy being by his side. She knew
who he really was and cared for him deeply even
seeing him as a hero for liberating her from
slavery. A father at first, Reynard made the steps
to raise her trough her teenage years and even
instructing her on how to use magic to protect
herself and the others. By the 1840s, Trisha would
surprise Reynard by telling him that she wanted to
be with him for the rest of their lives or at least as
long as she could live. She did not view him as a
fatherly figure but as a deep romantic interest.
After some consideration Reynard agreed to marry
her since the marriage with Hermeline (wherever
she vanished to) had long been over.
Of course for Fairy Tale characters, a happy
ending is always the preferred story even if it is
for a fleeting time. Pregnancy is not an easy thing
in the story. Fox and human generally doesn't
work in the process of having children and
Reynard himself knew that having a child without
magic or assistance was simply impossible no
matter how hard you tried. Of course though there
is always a solution to the problem of two
different species and that was fertility magic.
Calling upon the Coalition of Deities help, Taweret
the hippo goddess and her desire in always
wanting to help others in their strive to have
children, gladly used her fertility magic to ensure
that Trisha would become pregnant. With a night
of fun shared between Reynard and Trisha and a
little bit of magic, pregnancy was sure to happen.
For Trisha she was happy as both Reynard
and Trisha became proud parents. Things that
were not available over hundreds of years ago
were now more easily available for two characters
of different species to get together. If anything
with the mythics in such short supply nowadays
even pairings such as these are gladly embraced
as children born would mean more mythics to help
one another out in times of dire crisis. Children
born from pairings like these sometimes exhibited
the abilities of both parents.
Within the next several months Trisha would
give birth to a girl fox named Fenicia. This fox as
she took up her human form would look a mix of
both African and European like the parents she
came from. There are rumors that Fenicia has
access to magic as well. Only time will tell on what
happens next. For now, Reynard and Trisha are
proud parents and one of many couples in a world
that barely even know they exist.
Artwork by Nerton