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Renlar, Capital of the Empire of Itsis
*Spoilers if you haven't read past Gabatrix: The
First Peace arc*
“There are many worlds that reside in the Aksren
clan alone. They have no true capital world but
one….Renlar is the capital of the Empire of Itsis.
What they say affects the other Aksren Empires
one way or another,” Adjunct Jio’play *Click*
One of the great complexities of the Aksren
clan or any Itrean clan is the need to have a
centralized world where all operations are
conducted. This is not as easy as it may seem as
the more worlds can put the farthest amount of
pressure on that place on that center point.
Among one of the worlds that has survived the
test of time is that of Renlar. It has not only been
the focal point of the former Empire of Jalgren but
continued to push and sway the other Aksren
empires into submission.
Renlar was one of the last of the colony
worlds established in the era of Old Space.
Supposedly, it was settled as far back as 120,000
years ago. Initially, it was sought after and fought
over by two Aksren empires and would even see
an invasion by the Yutilians and Noo’dort clans.
There was a profound reason for this to happen.
Located in a binary star system, the Renlar colony
was established in an area that was profoundly
covered in resources. It consisted of five gas giants
that orbited around its parent stars. Each of these
gas giants held clusters of moons that were
mineral-rich. It was believed that over 200 moons
existed alone. To add to this, two earth-sized
planets also existed. Both of them were habitable
worlds, although one had far less oxygen content
than the other. The red world of Renlar would be
colonized, and its riches grew to staggering
heights rather quickly.
Within 20,000 years, Renlar would become a
central hub of commerce. By the time Yol’ikren
would become emperor, he would move his
political sphere towards the star system. Even
with such enormous resources, only 6% of the
minerals were tapped into within that time frame.
In his riches, Yol’ikren knew that Renlar was
always in danger of being assaulted. He, instead,
decided to consolidate his prized world. By now,
more and more of the economic structure was
beginning to flood towards the Emperor’s world.
The sister desert world of Hot’ler, also allowed to
serve as an overflow of the other population at
certain time periods.
Despite this, Renlar, much like many of the
former Itrean worlds, would see an enormous
transformation in time. The world, while
habitable, was very barren. Only basic fungi and
plants provided oxygen and stabilized the
atmosphere. The red sands were everywhere.
Instead, the mining cities decided to keep
expanding. Within Yol’ikren’s time, the empire
would adopt his name. At one time, there were
over 35 billion Aksren that lived on the planet
alone. Vast cities were created that dotted the
landscapes. By the time it reached half of
Yol’ikren’s age, he saw forth that Renlar would
stay that way. It would help usher the necessary
resources for the emperor to fuel his resources to
obliterate the Noo’dort clan successfully.
The other empires were often envious of
Yol’ikren, but they saw that Renlar had become
the central hub of trade. Even the other realms
wanted to have successful economic exchanges.
During the next 40,000 years, the world would
adapt to the slow-growing changes. It was said
that ¼ of the planet’s landmass had been fully
converted into super metropolises. It was a
constant dilemma for colony worlds. The worlds
could be made uninhabitable by mismanagement
within an expected time frame, but the Itreans
knew better. For one, Renlar, while comfortable to
live on, didn’t have that much on it, to begin with.
The Aksren were careful to build away from flora
and fauna to avoid damaging the planet’s
environment. At the same time, enormous oxygen
and CO2 generators were often considered, much
like many of the new worlds of the “New Worlds
Eventually, the Aksren would build outward
to incorporate an orbital construction yard ring,
one of the few locations in Itrean space that has
managed to do so successfully. The great ring
would be something that would work very much in
favor of the future Emperor, Jalgren.
It was Renlar that would serve as the basis
and launching point for Jalgren to conquer the
entirety of the Itrean race. Jalgren that was
already an enthusiast for warships, enjoyed
designing and constructing the future ships used
by the Aksren. His enthrallment would be to his
benefit as he would use careful negotiation, force,
excellent shipbuilding, and political movements to
bring Renlar to a massive superpower. By then,
the planet was more than capable of doing so. At
the time he existed, Renlar was one of five crucial
worlds that belonged to the Aksren clan as a
During the Empire of Jalgren, Renlar would
serve as the central capital world of the entire
Itrean race. Its place of importance in the New
Worlds Era was more than evident. Its population
would almost reach 50 billion in total, with cities
that consisted of above and below levels. Many
Itreans often considered these great city worlds as
the core worlds, but Renlar was much more than
that. It would serve as a central administration
world, center of trade, and crucial shipyard for
everything. What Renlar did was what all worlds
abided by. Even the Itrean language would be
severely impacted as U’ck’ck would be passed on
to almost 75% of the entire Itrean population and
species combined.
Upon Jalgren’s eventual passing, the empire
was given to his children and so forth. The
constructed orbital ring would be adopted to help
influence the rise of the star fortresses for the
next 20,000 years. While Renlar would serve as an
important location, the empire was not to last.
Over time, the world would slowly erode from the
inside out. Even the people had become racist and
bigoted towards other Itrean species. Much of
Jalgren’s original wishes have fallen short. The
Rototrein Rebellion would ultimately see the end
of the empire, although, technically, Renlar was
never truly taken. The location was too heavily
fortified, and it couldn't be taken despite the
bloodshed and fierce fighting. This didn’t mean
that the empire couldn’t last forever. Aksren
rebels and the other united Itrean species would
pluck system after system till Renlar finally
relented to the rebel’s demands.
Technically, Renlar was far from out of
steam in the post-Imperial years. While the Aksren
clan would splinter into five separate empires, the
most notable one was the Empire of Renlar, named
after the original central core world of Jalgren.
While some history had been lost just after the
Rototrein Rebellion, it’s quite clear that Renlar
would still serve as a center of trade, future ship
construction, and political movements through
the Aksren clan as a whole. Some Itrean historians
believed that Jalgren’s original family might have
ceased to exist due to political infighting, but a
few disagree. What was known was that Renlar’s
population did decrease some. By 9,000 years ago,
however, the planet never truly lost its position of
importance. With careful precision on
consolidation of former post-imperial forces,
territorial appropriation and bestowal of former
clan species worlds, and trade, the Empire of
Renlar would transform into a reformed
superpower. It would ultimately be named the
Empire of Itsis, and the planet would serve as the
central capital world of this entity.
Recent History
Renlar would continue to serve as the most
crucial location all the way to the current era and
years. While it was just one of the many, being the
central location of the most powerful Aksren
empire still has much sway in how other empires
act and perform. While the former Empire of
Jalgren is over, the other Aksren realms have
much-vested interests in Renlar. Essentially, the
planet rules the others by sheer economics. Itsis
that makes clones of herself to rule the empire
upon her passing is mainly considered the head
ruler of all Aksren people. She never leaves and
continues to power the enormous biocomputer
systems of the world. Her desire to remain in that
position of power is neverending.
Renlar would manage to survive quite well
against the Emphra seventy years ago, although it
did suffer some damage. The Emphra launched
four assaults onto it. While the fighting was
brutal, only once did the Emphra reach the ground.
A careful nuclear warhead had managed to
obliterate it but at the cost of over a million lives.
The planet would never see the Emphra again in
the remaining years.
Instead, Renlar almost became the central
world for the United Itrean Republic or United
Itrean Empire. At the time, the planet had more
than enough to serve as a political hub to transfer
everything to the other worlds. However, the
ultimate reason that it wasn’t was the fact of the
Empress Itsis herself. Her greed and stubbornness
threatened the fabric of a united Itrean
government. At the same time, a slight mistrust
from the other Aksren empires undermined it.
Other clan species were strongly against the
concept as well. Ultimately, Renlar was shoved
away, and New Atrea was chosen as the head
capital world. Its location was far more serene to
many. The Yutilian kingdoms saw the world as
more ideal and more respected. While not the
perfect solution, it was more accepted by all
Itreans as a whole.
Renlar hasn’t lost its place even with the
United Itrean society. If anything, it quickly
recovered in the rebuilding process. While other
worlds took far longer in repairing the widespread
damage that the Emphra inflicted, the planet
would serve as a beacon of resistance against
change. Sadly, this rather quick recovery combined
with Itsis’s desire for her own power was what
doomed the United Itrean society. Even if the
other empires didn’t always agree with Itsis, many
were easily swayed by their own recoveries. To
them, the Emphra were annihilated. There was no
reason to be operating under idealism. Instead,
Renlar would serve as it served before in the last
ten thousand years.
Hot’lar, while often ignored in its history,
has continued to serve as a backlogged desert
world. In some locations of the surface, it serves
as a penal colony for criminals near the equator.
For others, it offers a chance to be away from the
capital world while not having to worry about the
intrigue that Renlar offers. Over 500 million live on
the few oasis locations on the north and south
poles. Supposedly, the Aksren that live there have
operated rather freely and have developed their
own religions and beliefs.
The only current weaknesses that Renlar
suffers from is a decline in its own resources. As of
2350, the Renlar system has exhausted 60% of its
mineral wealth. Entire moons have been wiped out
and cleared out to be used as building materials
for other projects. This phenomenon is not
uncommon in the past as entire systems in “Old
Space” have been depleted. When this happens,
the people will slowly vacate the place more and
more. In time, it’s believed that Renlar will simply
lose its place of importance, but it's unknown how
long this will finally occur.
During the Itrean Civil War, Renlar would
once again serve as the hub of resistance against
the other Itrean clans. While eager to see Renlar
fall, most military analysts can quickly agree that
taking the system is near impossible. At least ten
thousand warships regularly patrol and defend the
worlds. Numerous weapon emplacements are
located everywhere. This even includes the
powerful defense batteries located on the orbital
ring that did its fair share of damage against the
Emphra fleets. Even if an invasion fleet could slip
through, it wouldn’t take long for other Aksren
worlds to mount a massive counteroffensive to
wipe out the opposition in turn rather quickly.
Full lit view of Renlar from orbit
Hot’lar, sister desert world of Renlar
The Ancient Fleets of Renlar and Jalgren’s Legacy