© CMed (TheUniverseofCMed) 2021
Database and Lore
Kre *Click* Uio, Capital of the Kingdom of Kre
*Spoilers if you haven’t read Gabatrix: The First
“There is no doubt that among the many Yutilian
kingdoms, the Kingdom of Kre remains as the firm
and mightiest. Even with the four, the projection
of the Kre is attributed to many factors. This
includes the planet of Kre *Click* Uio. Gular’Shel,
2289 AD.
There are currently four known kingdoms
that belong to the T’rintar clan. However, the
various personalities and attitudes of the Yutilian
species can be complex. There are the Gui’Optre
that became more of the masters of the trade.
There are the Shesh that become masters of
stealth. There is the Nat, the second most
powerful kingdom of the four. And then there are
the Kre. The Kre’s origins are one of the oldest
surviving kingdoms known as far back as 180,000
years ago. While the other kingdoms would engage
in various forms of negotiations, expansionism,
and trade to survive, the Kre were more
aggressive. It’s not surprising that the Kre are the
more violent and savage of the Yutilian histories of
the four current known kingdoms.
Of course, the Kre might have pushed the
boundaries of weapon technology and warships,
but it didn’t mean that they were horrifically
abusive either. The Kre had often been seen as the
necessary evil to Yutilian survival. This is in an
account by Itrean historians that had witnessed
the demise of other Itrean subspecies. The Kre
would often commit invasions and attacks on
other subspecies or Itrean kingdoms. They would
spurn the development and progress biowarfare to
extremes while ensuring that they had
quantifiable warships to pummel enemy
The original name of Kre *Click* Uio was the
simple name of Uio. The planet was founded as far
as 142,000 years ago. Much like many kingdoms or
empires, the Kre never intended Uio to be the
central hub of trade and operation. Even the
original term for Uio was that of “Seed Filled Fruit”
and that the planet would be intended as another
agricultural base world. Uio’s development was
slow as Kre would focus on various forms of
expansion during the era of Old Space.
However, as far as 125,000 years ago, Kre
would devote its resources to building the
infrastructure of the planet. While their ability to
conquer and subjugate worlds under their rule was
practical, it led to countless tragedies and losses.
The Era of Old Space marked the ending of outright
planetary destruction. However, the Kre were
often affected by their actions. One of the most
significant shipyard production facilities would
almost face almost complete destruction by the
Alara’jal. The Kre needed to rebuild and ensure
that new facilities could help empower their vast
orbital fleets. Uio was chosen to begin the
construction of one of the more significant space
platforms ever to be devised. It would take
thousands of years to fully complete, but the
tethered space station of Laya’Tasa, would usher
in the new beginning of Kre engineering and
conquest. Many refer to Laya’Tasa as one of the
great Yutilian wonders, often called “The Great
Tree” by the vast number of open docks, facilities,
and construction platforms to house the Kre
fleets. It is one of the largest capital world
shipyards, not including the star fortresses or
other clan worlds such as Renlar, Gu’lo’Trelda, or
The shipyard of Laya’Tasa is enormous for a
planet that is slightly larger than Earth. Its
appearance can be clearly seen from the north
pole. Kre had gotten their wish as Uio was
immediately transformed into a massive trading
post. Within the next ten thousand years,
immigration would turn the world into a central
hub for the Kingdom of Kre. It was not surprising
that eventually, the king of Kre would turn Uio into
the capital of Kre. This wasn’t to say that Uio was
the only world in the Kre inventory to provide
warships, but about 25% of the fleet production
did originate from Laya’Tasa. Its importance was
more than evident.
Even for a warlike kingdom, Uio was still
quite beautiful. It’s located in a lower dim G-Type
star system, borderline K-Type star. This can create
a sort of orange hue for the world. There are still
lush forests, deserts, mountains, and access to
water. It wasn’t too surprising that other clan
species had eyed the planet from time to time for
its habitable resources. The Kre did take some
regard in protecting the environment and ensuring
the survival of different life and flora despite the
onset of an ever-increasing population. Instead of
outright having waves of settlers come and
obliterate the landscape, the Kre made it their
responsibility to mine resources elsewhere, have
farmers and traders establish homes on selected
lands, and have limited manufacturing facilities.
Laya’Tasa naturally helped shift the industry
upward and away from the ground environment to
be tampered with.
With that said, Laya’Tasa and Uio would serve
as the leading shipyard and war machine for the
Yutilian clan in general. Many feared the sheer
power and might of the Kre because of the
industrial complex that Laya’Tasa established. It
would provide countless warships and freighters
that run to this very day.
There is no doubt that over 30,000 years ago,
Jalgren would have his most significant challenges
with that of the Kre. The most extended
campaigns, wars, and battles were well recorded
in him trying to subjugate that of the Kre.
Laya’Tasa served as the place of the most
resistance. However, Jalgren was faced with
numerous issues, both morally and at the overall
galactic spectrum. He was idealistic and realistic
with his views. He wanted to be a conqueror but
also be that of a conscious individual, moralistic,
and positive ruler. However, even with that said,
Laya’Tasa was in the way of his galactic conquest
to unify all of the Itreans. As long as Uio and its
powerful shipyard remained, it would forever
serve as a place of resistance against his rule.
However, destroying such a piece of architecture
and manufacturing center would be a severe blow
in the far future. While it was easy to destroy such
a creation at the current time, the loss of
Laya’Tasa would result in a catastrophic blow to
the overall growing empire. It would weaken all
Itreans as a whole. It was one of four crucial
worlds that provided the powerhouse to the
It was the Kre that offered the most
significant battles against Jalgren. Faced with the
moral dilemma, it was his choice to avoid inflicting
too much damage on Laya’Tasa. Instead, he would
engage in a prolonged effort to wipe out every Kre
fleet in existence. Uio was a prized jewel to take,
and Jalgren had to observe enormous patience in
the eventual conquering of the Kre. Ultimately,
Jalgren would take over fifty years in continuous
battles before he finally weakened down the
Yutilian kingdom. By then, only the shipyard
remained in tethered orbit. Some people of Uio
threatened to scuttle and destroy Laya’Tasa to
avoid having it captured by the enemy, but an
effort by Jalgren and Yutilians that didn’t want to
see the shipyard be destroyed rebelled. Uio would
be one of the few locations where Jalgren would
press troops to provide assistance in taking the
planet. While saboteurs would damage parts of
the station, the overall facility of Laya’Tasa was
Uio was like many of the worlds to serve the
new Empire of Jalgren. With Uio taken, it marked
the end of Yutilian resistance. It would cause a
cascade effect that rippled through many other
Yutilian worlds that Jalgren was unstoppable.
Laya’Tasa would be quickly repaired and made
fully operational to serve as a trading post while
new imperial warships were manufactured for
Jalgren. For 20,000 years, Uio would serve as the
major trading hub for Yutilian controlled space.
However, the Empire was not to last. As Jalgren
was long but dead and family underlings would
slowly erode the confines of a united society, Uio
would serve as a new place of interest to
Rototrein. During the Rototrein Rebellion, Uio and
Laya’Tasa could serve as a new place to build
warships. However, the taking of the shipyard and
people was a difficult task. Even with a weakened
empire, many saw the sheer value in Laya’Tasa. To
lose Uio would be a severe blow for the empire.
However, it would take enormous efforts by
various rebel groups to unite together and assault
Uio as the first primary target. The Battle of Uio
Prime was a significant moment within nine years
of the Rebellion's onset. By then, imperial forces
had various reports and divided up forces that it
was almost impossible to be everywhere to track
down Rototrein. Rebel Uio members ensured to
sabotage key areas and defenses as Rototrein
launched a coordinated assault onto Uio. After a
fierce fight, imperial forces would retreat.
Laya’Tasa would serve as the beginning of the end
of the empire. Yutilian resistance was restored,
and it would serve as the new hub of Yutilian
warships to begin fighting the former Jalgren
Empire. While imperial forces would try to retake
Uio, it proved pointless. Rototrein’s movement
simply overwhelmed the entire spectrum as other
worlds rebelled and fought back against the
With the end of the Empire of Jalgren, the
Kingdom of Kre was restored to full operation
again. As a fitting tribute, Uio was renamed to that
of Kre *click* Uio to help establish the final claim
that Uio was the central world of Kre. Laya’Tasa
would forge the road of new powerful Yutilian
battleships that fortified Kre’s hold in Yutilian
Sadly, it would be the Kre that would commit
genocide to that of the Palierans. It’s unknown
entirely of the motives of the King of Kre, but
Fol’ip’trektosin was considered to be a disgusting
individual by some Itrean historians. The Kre King
was supposed to be mad or insane by the few that
truly knew him. He made it his goal that the
Palierans were to be exterminated and that their
people be rendered extinct by his order. While
there was resistance by some, the Kre was the
most powerful kingdom of the Yutilians, and many
had to weigh the cost of having to encourage
further civil war or adhere to the wishes of a
madman. However, even then, the campaign
wasn’t an easy one. Kre was alone in their
campaign conquest as the other Yutilian kingdoms
quickly declared neutral against the Palierans. The
forces of Uio *click Kre suffered heavily against
the larger Palieran fleets. Ultimately,
Fol’ip’trektosin would push the boundaries of
biowarfare on Palieran kind. His desire to see the
people exterminated would fall into full fruition.
He finally discovered a disease that was deployed
to weaken and eliminate much of the Palieran
species. By the end of Kre King’s life, the Palieran
capital would be added to the Kre Kingdom.
However, Fol’ip’trektosin was later found poisoned
years later by a petty squall with his mate.
Uio *click* Kre’s reputation was soiled even
if they were the mightiest kingdom of the
Yutilians. Regardless, many of the kingdoms
viewed the importance of having it. By now, unity
10,000 years ago was paramount. The Shal’rein and
Aksren empires were relinking together in the
Shal’rein and Aksren clans. Instead, Laya’Tasa
would serve as the lead warship manufacturing
center for the Yutilian clan with the exception of
the star fortress and other newer facilities
thousands of years later. It would help push the
boundaries in providing important battleships to
repel enemy clans. Despite the genocide of
Palierans, many Yutilians were well aware that the
Kre proved viable combatants. Their weapons were
top-tier, which easily rivaled Aksren and Shal’rein
weapons and battle tactics. At a time when space
territories constantly shifted and turned, Uio
*click Kre would help fortify Yutilian sovereignty.
Ultimately, the united Yutilian clan kingdoms
would be able to gain a foothold in maintaining
that control.
During the Emphra War, Uio *click* Kre would
take a beating. While Yutilian resistance was
strong, the Emphra used brute force to win.
Laya’Tasa would take severe damage when the
Emphra managed to punch through defenses and
infest large sections of the station. In self-defense,
engineers managed to eject portions of Laya’Tasa
into space so that the Emphra infestation could be
safely nuked and obliterated. However, the
damage was still quite severe. Another assault on
the planet would successfully reach the ground.
However, careful use of nuclear weapons would
wipe out the Emphra from spreading further.
Laya’Tasa’s damaged status in 2287 didn’t
help the situation in repelling the Emphra fleets as
a whole. It degraded the Yutilian resistance.
However, building on new construction platforms
was paramount in getting the station back into full
operation. By the end of the Emphra War, up to
75% of the station was back into operation. Within
another ten years, Laya’Tasa was in full
operational mode again. It would help stabilize the
economy further and provide new warships for the
T’rintar clan to enjoy.
With the advent of the Itrean Civil War, Uio
*click* Kre would serve as an important fortress
world for the former Yutilian clan. Much like the
other capital worlds, its paramount in staying that
way is vital. Over ten thousand warships patrol
the system regularly. Powerful planetary defense
batteries line the surface, and Laya’Tasa has been
further fortified in providing advanced firepower
in repelling enormous battle fleets. This not even
includes the other colonies and facilities that line
the other worlds and moons of the system.
Needless to say, it is highly unlikely that anything
could ever defeat or push the Kre out of their
capital system…..
Side view of Kre *Click* Uio from orbit
Ancient Kre Ships