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Getrea, Capital of the Kingdom of Nat

*Spoilers if you haven’t read Gabatrix: The First Peace* “It’s not surprising that many Yutilians often consider Getrea as ‘thee’ world where many Yutilians come from. It’s a matter of being able to adapt to the high gravity, that one can truly see the beauty of what the world has to offer.” Susuki, First Human to travel to Getrea. Of the four kingdoms of the Yutilian clan, the planet of Getrea is often considered to be the most beautiful and most populated. The beauty resembles both the “common” Yutilian and their personality in sharing and welcoming others while keeping a long-term goal of population density appropriation. Getrea’s legacy as the capital of the Kingdom of Nat can’t be ignored. History Getrea was founded as far as 80,000 years ago by the Kingdom of Nat. Unlike other worlds that had never intended the established world to become a center of their collective, the Nat chose Getrea to become a capital world right at the beginning. At the time, the Nat had still practiced a light form of nomadic colony transference. When worlds would get packed with too many individuals, the feudal lords would often “transfer the flag” to a new world to live on. This repeated cycle was done repeatedly in the last 500,000 years since the founding of Nat. The kingdom was one of the oldest surviving of the four current known Yutilian kingdoms. Nat’s history is one that could be easily reflected when it came to Getrea. However, much like its past capital worlds, Getrea has had a more stable history of itself. The learning experiences of past capital worlds were something that was passed on to the next. When Getrea was founded, the purpose was to help solve the issue of overcrowded worlds. Much like many Itrean worlds, overcrowding has become a significant problem. Without proper care, the planet’s environment could be destroyed. Economic depravity and industrial issues could strike a world. This could cause instability and fracture the kingdom into further pieces if one wasn’t too careful. Getrea’s solution was dedicated to one thing and one thing only. Its purpose was to be made into a population center only. While it would still have commercialism for jobs, farming, and growing food, they were the only other things that were permitted. Any industrial facilities would have to be done off-world. Because of this, the planet has no shipyard and only basic defense platforms to protect itself. The system has other planets and moons where mining and construction are permitted. At the same time, the entire world was sectioned off with large territories where buildings would be appropriately spaced and road layouts that would ensure equal transference for other cities and expansion. Getrea is one of the larger planets in current Itrean hands. There was plenty of space to expand and put buildings. The environment of Getrea is often reflected by its sheer mass. It’s located in a K-Class star system. Its high mass is three times that of Earth. It has a large core, which makes its gravity much more significant than most habitable worlds. The people of Nat were fully aware that Getrea was intended to be a habitable planet, but not one that should be too comfortable. Even for people who have long adapted to other worlds, the heavy gravity, which is 167% that of Earth, is still quite intense. It’s not uncommon for some Itreans to be bulkier, shorter, but physically stronger than most other Itreans because of the planet. In fact, many of the Nat tend to be stockier in their legs. The wildlife is also reflected of that for a high gravity world. Trees, flora, and basic wildlife reflect that of those that have adapted to high gravity conditions. Getrea’s establishment as a capital world ultimately succeeded right from the start. Despite its environment, many came flocking to the planet to live on. Getrea would serve as a central location for the Nat, although its growing weak infrastructure would take almost fifty thousand years to establish as a true capital world. By the time it did, there was a new issue that developed. When the Empire of Jalgren was being established, the Nat naturally resisted the Aksren emperor. Great effort was made to bring every warship to repel his fleets. It was natural that the Nat fought gallantly in their history. Thirty-one thousand years ago, Getrea was one of two crucial worlds for the Emperor to conquer. Even Jalgren understood that to control this planet was to control one of the larger Yutilian kingdoms. However, it was Jalgren’s goal to inflict as little damage as possible. It was unknown if Jalgren had pure respect for nature or the fact that he found the world to be beautiful. He avoided civilian casualties as much as possible. Getrea, however, was a different problem. When he finally succeeded in eliminating the Nat fleet that protected Getrea, the people refused to surrender. Even if Jalgren had the planet covered in a blockade, the Getreans had the ability to sustain themselves indefinitely. Jalgren would either wait for the population to eventually surrender or commit to other actions to make the people give up. However, he needed to focus on taking Getrea. By 31,000 years ago, the world was the third most populated planet in all Itrean hands. Entire clusters of cities marked the planet. He decided to do a series of slow bombardments to take out water pumps and food production facilities. It wasn’t done all at once to give the people a chance to recognize and adhere to his demands. If they didn’t surrender, he would prevent the people from feeding themselves. Many at the time didn’t know if Jalgren was genocidal and didn’t want to test his patience. The King of Nat had long abandoned the people to carry out his resistance on another world. Eventually, in less than six months, Getrea surrendered to Jalgren. Jalgren then offered his expertise to help repair any damage that he inflicted on the planet and restore its food production facilities. Actions such as these were why other worlds would surrender rather quickly to the powerful Aksren emperor. During the rise of the Empire of Jalgren, Getrea would serve as the most crucial administration center for the Yutilians. It was even mentioned that Jalgren had a palace and enjoyed some of his retirement on the planet as well. In the later years, many of the Yutilians had enjoyed his company. Jalgren’s goal was to enjoy unionism and to bring people together. Of course, he had to be cautious as he knew that he had made enemies along the way, but some could see his idealism. He didn’t want to enslave people but to “liberate” and create a galaxy of “cooperation” with him. The unlikely concept was one that the Getreans seemed to understand in time. Unfortunately, long after Jalgren’s death and 20,000 years later, the Empire of Jalgren had fallen apart. Corruption, racism, and ultimately indentured servitude had taken their toll. Even Getrea was starting to see cracks in the system. The planet and its people knew that they were in a system that was falling apart. The population had long endured a form of elitism for Yutilians. Many that lived there were treated higher than most Yutilians. The planet had become a light form of melting pot for other races to live on, but laws on immigration had been applied even then. When the Rototrein Rebellion broke out, many of the people didn’t know what to do. Was it worth joining up in a rebellion that could cost the lives of billions and wreck the planet's infrastructure? Awareness was brought forth on the imperial’s atrocities that would shock the Getreans. Rototrein was the individual that believed in a united species effort in crushing the empire. It was a difficult decision, but Getrea would pledge its services to the rebellion. However, it was challenging as the imperials had a firm grasp of the planet. It would take thirty years before the empire eventually lost its strength to maintain a defensive perimeter of the world. The people had committed to forms of peaceful protest at the risk of imperial retaliation. Thankfully, the empire saw reason not to aggravate the citizens further as it would encourage the wrath of its people. Once the imperial fleet had finally left the system, the citizens began to rebuild the former Nat’s fleets. This form of practicality allowed Getrea to survive well past 70,000 years. Cohabitation and cooperation were the Nat’s path. The New Kingdom of Nat 10,000 years ago would continue to see Getrea as the major capital world of the dominion. By this time, the planet had become the highest populated world of the Yutilians that outshined many other Itrean worlds. Despite this, the lack of a true industry had put the place at a disadvantage. It’s ironic as many human historians have pointed out that Getrea is the human equivalent of Cebravis. Cebravis practices solid environmental policies that encourage controlled population growth and try to keep industrialism off the land. Getrea had implored similar policies. The fear of too many individuals could lead to further environmental impact. Strict laws forbade mateships from having too many children. At times, immigration had been partially placed to help limit growth for buildings to be added in the future. However, Getrea’s success lies in its urban planning. Unlike the previous capital worlds of the Nat, the designers on the colony had been rather ingenious. It was believed that the world could be self-sustainable for 100,000 years since its establishment. With the collapse of the Empire of Jalgren, it was announced that Getrea would last far longer than any other known civilization. The Nat began to practice early forms of democracy with limited powers. Within 6,000 years, it would become one of the first worlds to have a basic parliament similar to Earth. This similar practice would slowly bleed off onto other worlds in that course of time. Nat’s forces were never truly powerful. While it is second place in raw strength when compared to the other current Yutilian kingdoms, Getrea isn’t a flexing muscle or a place to reflect power. This hasn’t stopped the planet from being able to repel waves of Itrean invasions or assaults from Aksren fractured empires, Shal’rein subclans, or Alara’jal warlords. In time, the alliances with the other kingdoms would ultimately help strengthen the planet into a proper defensible system. Luck seemed to be on the side of the Getreans during the Emphra War seventy years ago. There was only one attack on the planet in those twenty years of the endless assaults. However, the Battle of Getrea was one that narrowly had the Emphra reach landfall. It was a costly victory that almost decimated a majority of the Nat fleet. It was obvious why the Emphra wanted to conquer the planet due to the large amount of biomass that it could consume. If Getrea fell, then it would have been a severe blow to the Yutilian clan as a whole. However, the loss of so many warships would arguably cost the lives of many other Itreans in the future as the Emphra attacked others. The Getrean population was well aware of the sacrifices made by all Itreans once the Emphra War came to an end. While some Itreans were shocked by the future plans of the planet, some almost expected it. Getrea ensured that all clans and subspecies would receive good food stocks in the rebuilding of their planets. The population believed in cohabitation and announced to all that any displaced families could move to Getrea to live on. The end of the Emphra War would see one of the most significant immigration movements on the planet. It’s not surprising that many Aksren and Shal’rein refuges had moved to the world. Like some of the few Yutilian worlds, Getrea would serve as a shining example of a melting pot society. In the last twenty-five years, it was reported that “Shal’rein and Aksren families were happy on Getrea. No longer did they call themselves by their clan species but T’rintar.” It would help differentiate between T’rintar Shal’rein, T’rintar Aksren, and Aksren and Shal’rein clan equivalents. By the time the Itrean civil war had broke out, a vast majority of the children of these families would fight in the name of the T’rintar clan. It’s a lasting legacy of Getrea’s future for all Itreans….
Full lit view of Getrea from orbit
Ancient Nat Warships