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Database and Lore
Firearms of 24th Century Page 2
Spoilers if you haven’t read Gabatrix: The First
Itrean Firearms
With the discovery of the Itreans, humanity
is learning rather quickly about the history of their
firearms. While some can easily surmise that their
history is similar to humanity, the Itreans are
somewhat staggered in gun development for much
of their evolution. Much mystery remains as to
why, although this same mystery extends to just
about any technological progression on their part.
Regardless, despite their prolonged
progression, Itrean firearms do have some unique
qualities that often reflect on the personality and
culture of the race as a whole. Each clan species
had various types of weapons that ranged to
billions of different styles and shapes. Many of
these artifacts are used to help prove how long the
Itreans have existed while showing other qualities
and improvements. One of the first guns that have
survived the tests of time includes a Yutilian
flintlock that is over a million years old. It is
believed that guns such as these were
commonplace, even for people that had achieved
basic space travel. It’s thought that Itrean
technology was slightly more basic than 1960s
Earth technology, being just viable enough for gate
probes to be fully utilized. While mostly
speculation, the Itrean brain caused technological
progression to be insanely slower.
However, even with such setbacks, the
Itreans have still managed to create their own
types of firearms. The Aksren carry museum
pieces, such as their rolling block rifles that are
over 900,000 years old. Eventually, the semi-
automatic rifle would see service as far back as
450,000 years. Stories persist that even with
spaceships, the Itreans would still engage in
ground warfare with primitive basic rifles and slug
throwers. Further speculation points to the fact
that the Itreans simply placed more resources
towards spaceships and bioengineering. Ground
warfare was not a common occurrence. At the
same time, each clan species was drastically
different than the other. The Shal’rein fought with
tridents and harpoon guns most of the time,
500,000 years ago before they eventually started
to fight on land. The Alara’jal clan had enormous
personal sidearms due to their much greater sizes.
Even the basic rolling block guns to muskets could
become small cannons that would blast the
smaller Itrean species with ease. The Gesh’Ot clan,
on the other hand, used high-powered dart guns.
This, coupled with their most potent diseases and
poisons, made the tiny people a significant threat
to the other Itrean clans.
It’s believed that the more current modern
sidearms would see their usage by around 180,000
years ago. The Shal’rein clan had been fighting in
both land and water with weapons that easily fit
into both roles. Both Yutilian and Aksren clans
have their own bioengineered shell casing rifles.
These guns were the pinnacle of their engineering
skills. While comparable in stopping power to the
20th-century human guns, these firearms utilized
certain qualities. These would often use
regenerative metal alloys. The firearms carried
semi-organic components that could cycle cooling
but carry a high rate of fire. If these guns were
damaged, the organic resin and alloy could heal
themselves in time. Stories persist that museum
pieces would be accidentally dropped on a few
occasions in their long history of preservation. Any
form of damage to the guns would require little
repair because they would simply fix themselves.
These guns would also be the first recorded full
automatic rifles. It was even possible for Itrean
clan species to create diseases that could
specifically target the weapons and render them
inoperable with counter efforts to introduce
immunities to those diseases.
The last 70,000 years would see the most
significant improvements to Itrean firearms.
Among one of these was the advent of the
Shal’rein railguns. Where humanity suffered from
developing, the Shal’rein clan began to place more
and more resources towards gun development.
Their rifles were on par with the Aksren and
Yutilian counterparts and easily considered better.
The personal railgun thrower could be easily
established on turret emplacements. The people
are strong enough to haul them into the field, with
the strongest that can even fire them on hand. In
reality, the railguns are operating at a reduced
setting. This is to make up for the sheer recoil
generated by a hypervelocity round. Only a few
soldiers of contingents were used as “Anti-
Vehicle/Mech units” since the railguns are not
purposely used to shoot at soldiers. Their fire rate
was simply too poor, and the power needed to fire
them was enormous. The rear compartment is
designed similarly to recoilless rifles, where the
backwash of the blast is vented backward. Great
care is needed when these powerful guns are used.
During the time of the Empire of Jalgren,
firearms were a complex issue. Imperial Aksren
soldiers could possess and operate the guns that
were made for them, but other immigrating clan
species would have to adapt to strict rules. Jalgren
was a person that believed in unity, but not when
it came to the right to bear arms for those species.
This was felt most heavily by the Shal’rein clan
that had much of their firearms stripped away.
Although, even then, many of the clan species
made their own and kept them hidden during the
imperial age. Despite the laws that forbade non
Aksren from having firearms, it didn’t stop the
other clans from adopting new guns. By the time of
the Rototrein Rebellion, many of the various
species used ex-imperial firearms or introduced
their own secretly made weapons. The irony was
that Jalgren’s legacy had left a lingering impact on
how all the Itreans had used firearms. Even the
Shal’rein, which had held many positive views
towards them, had adopted a regular use of laser
weaponry, basic equipment parts, and ammunition
sizes, thanks to the former empire.
The general consensus towards personal
firearms in the post-Jalgren Empire years generally
falls into a similar pattern by each of the surviving
clan species. The Yutilians and Aksren clans and
their respected empires and kingdoms all practice
basic freedom of the right to bear arms. Most of
this argument basically stems down to the fact of
the concept of “Total Warfare Defense.” The threat
of invasion and outright genocide is a real
prospect. If a ground invasion were to happen, the
invaders would likely kill everything that is on the
ground. Men, women, and children are no
exception to this rule. Therefore, it is important
that everyone can operate a gun. Upon reaching
the equivalent age of ten, any child that hasn’t
been given basic firearms training by their
cultures, societies, or parents are to be given basic
courses. Upon reaching the age of adulthood,
Itreans are then given basic combat and self-
defense training. Conscription is quite common,
and it’s important that all people know how to
protect themselves.
However, with the Shal’rein, their love of the
gun is more paramount than the other species.
Unlike the Yutilians and Aksren, the Shal’rein have
more appreciation towards firearms. Entire
religions and literature often reflect it quite
substantially. There are practically no laws on gun
control in Shal’rein space. This is further pressed
by the fact that Shal’rein children know how to
make their own guns and ammunition, capable of
taking apart and easily assembling anything that
they can get ahold of. A saying by the Shal’rein is,
“The gun is a part of us as it is the soul. We make
the gun, we die from it, and it is buried with us.
There is nothing wasted as everyone knows how to
make their own.” It isn’t just a sport, but one that
has formed a part of their culture. The best
marksmen and sharpshooters are often the
Shal’rein. Does this mean that every Shal’rein is a
gun-totting fanatic? The answer is no, far from it.
Many various individuals have their own
perspectives on it. However, those that have no
interest in them have no opinion against it.
The Alara’jal, much like their original views
on society, also had no laws on firearms. However,
the people were generally more polarized on the
concept. They had no form of government except
what was pushed forward by conquering warlords.
Remote villages had personal firearms that they
used for self-defense and hunting, or the warlord
used them against them for personal gain. Their
guns were easily the most powerful of all Itrean
guns. However, they lacked the finesse that many
of the Shal’rein guns had. In some perspectives,
Alara’jal firearms were generally more primitive by
design but still packed a devastating punch to
them. The Palierans, however, were very
aggressive towards guns and having them. In their
culture, it was said that they simply felt the need
not to have them, except for hunting purposes.
Even then, Palieran species often had to go to
much larger lengths to be able to have their own
personal firearms.
With the advent of the Emphra War, the
Itrean species had learned the hard way that their
firearms were almost all but useless. The Emphra
weren’t even solid and generally operated in an
indomitable liquid state. Projectile-based
weaponry failed to hurt them and only destroyed
the assimilated husk bodies that the Emphra used.
Contrary to some historians, laser weapons were
tried and also were unable to hurt them in the
early years of the war. Only a nuclear explosion
would hurt the Emphra bodies. What made
matters worse was that the Emphra could take
over an Itrean and use their own weapons against
other Itreans.
However, at the halfway point of the war, an
Aksren soldier would, in pure desperation, fire his
laser pistol into an Emphra that was closing in on
him. To his surprise, the Emphra substance
crumbled to dust. It was revealed that while laser
weapons were ineffective as before, a specifically
tuned frequency that was given from the laser
emitter could kill them. The recovered
malfunctioning laser had proven to be the tipping
point of the entire war. From that point on, the
Itreans, with the combined alliance, had made
unilateral laser weapons that everyone could use
to combat the Emphra. While the battles were still
horrific to some degree, the Itreans finally had a
way to fight back.
The Emphra War would introduce the
beginning of standardized firearms that all Itreans
could use. This even included the fact that
Shal’rein hands were much bigger than the Aksren
and Yutilian hands. Most of the time, the Shal’rein
guns were simply enlarged ones to make up for the
difference. The last fifty years to 2350 would see
the usage of many common variants that all the
clans used to various degrees. Much as the T’rintar
government had tried to accomplish, it was the
goal of the United Itrean Republic or United Itrean
Empire to create a form of standardization. Even by
the time of the Itrean Civil War in 2340, most of
these guns had changed little, with only slight
differences between each species parts and
The most common current rifles of the
Yutilian and Aksren soldiers are the Y-6 Assault
Rifle, with the Aksren introducing the Y-7. The Y-6
carries a large underslung box magazine to carry
and fire caseless rounds. It’s small and compact
while carrying a typical punch and lightweight to
them. They also have the ability to fire decoy
grenades against the Itrean Seeker Grenades. The
Shal’rein utilize the ZL rifles, a common and
popular rifle design. Much like the Y series rifles,
the gun has two barrels to fire the 50 caliber
rounds and decoy grenades. It’s not uncommon
that Shal’rein guns carry many interchangeable
parts that can operate on much older guns in turn.
It isn’t a surprise that the Shal’rein guns are far
better and more powerful than the Yutilian and
Aksren clan variants in the current spectrum.
However, this doesn’t mean that Yutilian and
Aksren firearms are to be scuffed at when
compared to the Shal’rein. The smaller guns are
still dangerous and at least provide some offensive
capability to the Yutilian and Aksren clans alike.
Regardless, only their anti-material rifles have any
hope in trying to penetrate Shal’rein wrap armors.
Impact of Firearms with the T’rintar Alliance
While the smaller Itrean guns are almost on
par with current UHN firearms, many of them
make up for their light versatility. Upon the
creation of the UWA/T’rintar alliance, firearms
were made available from both sides to both sides’
markets. Yutilian guns, such as the Y-6 actually are
just as easy for a physically weaker human to use.
The typical pistol of the T’rintar, such as the AKT-1,
has been looked at as another compact pistol that
human women have been known to purchase.
Most of the economic impact of the growing
firearms trade has been mostly mute. It generally
depends on the UWA world that allows it, such as
Mars, Aphadus, Palora, and Oshun. At the same
time, however, human-constructed guns have
started to reach the T’rintar clan worlds but have
been mainly on the mute side. Generally, it has
been more of a gun enthusiast’s dream on both
sides of the alliance that has had more of an
interest in gathering the alien firearms.
In reality, the information has been mostly
too soon to fully evaluate the effects of the
alliance and the firearms trade. Anti-gun activists
have been on the fence with the newfound alien
weaponry as just another system to give people
more dangerous guns. However, there is a possible
danger to this concept, as there is genuine concern
that the new Itrean weapons are starting to find
their way into the wrong hands. Dangerous
criminal syndicates that operate in the ghettos of
Oshun and the Nova Pirates in the Paloran system
are starting to show hints that they are using
Itrean firearms.
Despite this, the overall impact is still
expected to be partly minor. Generally, politicians
have been unaffected, with only a select few that
have brought the situation up to the public.
However, the issue is mainly dropped for more
critical topics and issues. Unless there are large
shipments that are suddenly submitted to
criminals and law breakers alike, then it will be
brought into question in further debates.