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“Eutera….it is only hopeful that it will be vibrant and flourishing for the UWA,” Evan Nguyen, the first human to touch Eutera. The Gabatrix Experiment was responsible for many things. It would help usher the beginning of interstellar colonization. In the early years of the exploration, humanity actually had many viable locations to settle down. However, habitable locations could pose a danger not only to the current wildlife and fauna but to the human being in return. Places like Cebravis were quickly seized as the human race was more desperate to find habitable locations at whatever cost. However, the “planet land grabbing phase” would come to an end by the dawning of the 24th  century. Unlike the 23rd century, only a few new locations were colonized as the interest to find new homes began to dwindle. Even if great care was made to analyze the environmental impact, there was simply less demand to discover new worlds. Most of the arguments simply came down to the fact that the overall human population was still small, even when compared to ancient Earth’s much larger population density. Regardless, there would be two significant locations that would see colonization. Cipra, a former Chinese-centric population, called the desert world their home. Eutera would also be eyed for future settlement in star system HD 1461. Unofficially, the vested interests of a future Russian colony were considered with the planet. Eutera is roughly 2/3 the size of Earth. It perfectly revolves on its Y-axis. As a result of this, the temperatures tend to follow predictable patterns, and there are no seasons. The temperatures rarely influence different sections of the planet. Its extreme distance to the sun also puts it in a freezing condition, unlike Palora’s extreme cold conditions. Up to 2/3 of the world is covered in ice, with a small equator section that has regular warmer climates and waters. Eutera’s wildlife is very scarce, much like Cebravis, although flora, fauna, and insect populations thrive. Eutera was selected for colonization in 2345, although the colony vessel “Jen” wouldn’t officially establish the settlement until 2347. Even with less interest in moving to the planet, the advertisements of a new world did start to make headway on the news. Eutera was considered to be almost on par in some areas as Cebravis, even if it was a much smaller world. Places like Oshun, Batrice, Luna, and Mars still saw the small world as a possible new paradise. By then, the former Russian backers had almost pulled out of the project as the remaining population decided to continue forth. In 2348, the colony asked to be made a part of the UWA as it reached a density of 1500 individuals. Despite the promises that Eutera offered, it was argued that there were some issues with the new colony. Even with a firm settlement established, immigration was much slower than expected. Social scientists often commented that “24th-century colonization was extremely lackluster when compared to the 23rd century. Cipra stole much of the desire to colonize anything further in the earlier 24th century. As a result, establishing new homes and villages never happened by the beginning of 2349. Without major backers, it was argued that Eutera might end up becoming a “backwater world.” However, it was easily argued that it was too early to make such assumptions. The Euterans have commented on how wonderful the planet is. Even if large portions are uncomfortable to live in, the conditions in the equator are pretty relaxing for some. Some felt that Eutera was simply too undefended with such a small population. The UHN made an agreement to at least have one warship in orbit to help at least guard it against anything unruly. With a small growth in population, the gate array that was planned to be built was halted in 2349. This was primarily due to the lack of resources. Instead, Jen’s engine module was abandoned and left to orbit near the northern pole until interests rose to resume building. *Spoilers if you haven’t read Gabatrix: Minerva* Eutera would become the first true victim in the Human Itrean Conflict in 2349. The UHN Champlain that was stationed in orbit reported three Itrean vessels that slingshot around the planet from where they jumped in. A distress call was issued out by the Euteran defenses, in which the UHN promised to send reinforcements. However, the rapid precision of the attack quickly overwhelmed everything that was protecting the planet. It was later revealed that this was a quick strike maneuver made by the Itreans. The UHN Champlain was quickly disabled in the fight. The Itrean assault carrier promptly came down and deployed their troops onto the small colony. At the time, the UHN was caught entirely off-guard as newsfeed showed the early attack. However, they immediately mounted a fleet of warships that would have come to defend the colony. By the time reinforcements had arrived, they had found the colony was completely gutted. Most of the equipment had been untouched or undamaged, but the population was gone. There were a few casualties during the ensuing ground fight that took place. Unfortunately, the battle was mostly over on the ground before the fight even got started. The population had very few handheld weapons to fight against the Itreans. Eutera did offer a chance for the UHN to analyze their attackers. The information was kept secret until a proper inquiry could be made. It was concluded that the 1500 people (with the exception of those that were shot and killed) had been kidnapped. By the time reinforcements arrived, the Itreans had vacated the solar system. However, the Champlain and crew were left until UHN reinforcements repaired the vessel. Since the attack, the UHN decided to abandon the colony. With the entire population gone and the need to protect populated worlds, Eutera became a victim of the war. Not even the Champlain would be lucky as it was later destroyed over Cipra. However, mysteries did remain as to how the Itreans had found the colony. *Spoilers if you haven’t read Gabatrix: The First Peace* Later, it was revealed that the T’rintar clan was responsible for attacking and kidnapping the Euteran colonists. When the alliance between the UWA and T’rintar clan was established, the T’rintar were honest to the UWA that they needed the colonists to “conduct scientific and medical research.” The Itrean clan wanted to find a supposed cure to their dreaded Zilik’s Disease. Humanity offered the cure through their genes. According to the colonists, the T’rintar were supposedly gracious hosts and did their best to try to adhere to certain human demands unless it overrode the priority in finding a cure. It was later shown that the T’rintar were willing to find mates, money, and resources for the humans if they voluntarily agreed to become lovers and parents. The T’rintar clan/UWA alliance would usher the end of the experimentation program. However, many were surprised that the Euterans had a few volunteers who willingly decided to become mates, fathers, or mothers to the Itrean clan. Children immune to the Zilik’s Disease were going to be born as a result of it. The T’rintar were true to their word as they properly surrendered the colonists back to the UWA. An investigation made by staff concluded that the Euterans were in good health. Instead, Eutera was given a new chance at life. With many of the colonists returned. Many of them happily restarted their lives on the planet. The T’rintar and UWA alliance offered Eutera as a shared world of interest. With many of the people already used to operating with their new allies, the T’rintar clan happily sent many individuals to conduct repairs on the damaged equipment made from the attack. A memorial was placed for those that were killed during the attack, funded and made by the T’rintar clan. It’s been the goal of the new allies to render their assistance in making the planet a viable location. In the beginning of 2350, Eutera reported that its conditions were above the norm. The UHN had been given lend leased warships to further help defend the planet. The gate array construction, that had been left in abandoned conditions, was instead resumed. In fact, the UWA has now been redoubling their efforts in getting it operational. For now, Eutera has remained in a better hopeful state than it was in the last couple of years. It might have ended any further colonization efforts in the early 24th century, but it hasn’t completely stagnated either. Its goals, instead, serve as many other crucial points as the UWA continues to find itself in space.  
Full lit view of Eutera from orbit
Euteran flag
Euteran colony