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Database and Lore

Empusa (NSFW)

Probably one of the more odd mysteries to exist in Greek Mythology is that of Empusa. Is it just one character or many? Is it a she? Is it a he? What is Empusa, and what does she do? The fact is that Empusa is a mystery. Her story has become lost to the ravages of history, and the only speculation surrounds her. The first explanation is that of Empusa was a phantom that could shapeshift into various creatures and beasts. Her role was that of a creature that devoured the life of individuals. Some even viewed her that of lamia. She was described as having a brass leg and/or having a donkey’s leg as well. Another story is that Empusa was created by the goddess Hectate for reasons unknown. It was described that she had similar powers in being able to take on many forms. There were supposedly many of them and that they would go and take up the form of a woman to drain the life of an individual. In the end, nothing much is known about her or them. In Tales of Heroes, there are more questions answered in regards to Empusa. In the end, there is only one Empusa. She was created for a single purpose, and she is probably one of the more exciting characters ever developed. Who is she exactly? No one knows. What is known is that she was created by the goddess Hectate to be an infiltrator. Her goal was to spy and learn information on other deities. The reason was apparent. Gods and goddesses did compete with one another, and the Greeks were no different. Empusa is described as a natural shapeshifter. Unlike many of the mythics that have the ability to take up human form, Empusa is capable of turning into any type of creature within her reasonable size. She can be anything. She can be a man or a woman. She can be a beast or an object. Her powers are incredible, but she does have her limits. She can’t turn into a bee or a mountain. She can't replicate the special powers or abilities that another mythic has. However with her powers alone Empusa is the perfect character at infiltration, although not for her original intended mission. The fact was that Hectate discarded Empusa. The Greek goddess felt the need to have her for her own purposes. In the end, the shapeshifter was no longer needed and tossed away to be forgotten. Empusa is not evil. She is what she is. She is simply a force of nature meant to do what helps the majority. Need to infiltrate? Then call in Empusa. Need to assassinate someone? Then call Empusa. There is no task that she can’t handle. As most of the Greek deities were wiped out by the creature named Cataclysm, in the end, the shapeshifter survives. Almost like a forgotten relic, she instead chooses to relax in the comfort of the waterfall. Her fiery hair, donkey-like lower body, and brass covered leg are the enduring symbol on what might be her original form. In the end, no one knows.
Artwork by WhimsicalVictoria