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The Emphra Page 1 (NSFW)
*Spoilers if you haven't read past Gabatrix: The
First Peace arc*
“There is no such thing as a place that has never
felt the impact of what the Emphra did to all
Itreans. They were singular in one goal only, to
devour everything….” Yutilian Adjunct Zincha.
Of one of the most horrific alien races for
the Itreans to ever uncover was the Emphra. The
nightmarish race would highlight the events that
took place in the last one hundred years of Itrean
history and usher in the end of the Era of
Negotiations. Its impact was monumental and
severe on all the clans. Yet, in the end, little is
truly known about them and why they did what
they did.
During the last two hundred years, the
Yutilian, Aksren, and Shal’rein clans remained the
last of the Itrean subspecies in millions of years of
clan history and violence. Ancient Empires had
long collapsed as the remaining clans almost
remained in a perfect balance to upstage the
other. With the destruction of the Alara’jal, the
recent years of history would mark a time period
where wars and battles would occur but be small
and infrequent. Great efforts were made to try to
come to peaceful resolutions that would create
years of uninterrupted peace. Like a pendulum
swing, it would create time periods of non-violence
against one another.
This all changed in 2280 when the colony of
Ipatrea was suddenly attacked. The Yutilian
settlement reported a series of black warships
that came out of gate folded space. These ships
were nothing ever seen before and attacked the
defense fleets in place. They completely
overwhelmed the forces and then went straight to
the planet. A few reports indicated that the people
of Ipatrea were seeing the ships crashing down to
the surface or raining something silver down upon
them then…..silence. Another Yutilian fleet was
dispatched to investigate, but they never
returned. Further reports showed that the
unknown fleets were large warships that were
rectangular in shape, littered with weapons, and
had something silver that shimmered on their
The first year would be almost similar for
the Aksren and then the Shal’rein clans. Within
that year, two more colonies on all sides had been
lost, including a complete near loss of their
populations. Panic was hitting the Itreans as
varied reports and beliefs had come about. Some
thought that a bioweapon had been unleashed and
was being used to wipe out the other. This claim
was quite well accepted by the clans as
bioengineering was well adapted by then, but it
had never been used to such a scale as this.
It wouldn’t be until 2281 that the clans also
began to notice something rather horrifying.
Fleets that attacked other colonies had the
defenders reported seeing the unknown attackers
using commandeered Itrean warships. Their hulls
were a sickening brownish color with the same
silver shimmering coating that would go after
other Itrean warships. Asteroids with engines
were starting to be seen, and the unknown
attackers were even using the buildings of the
former colonies to attack the defense fleets of
other Itrean worlds. Their tactics were simple and
absolutely effective. They used sheer numbers to
spread. Any attempts to contact them only had
one phrase repeated back “Olin……Olin ta…..”
repeated back in several different voice tones,
almost as if multiple voice chords were fused
together. The translation was “Food….more food,”
which was repeated by the attackers.
On the ground, the reports were staggering
and coming in clear. One of the first valid attempts
to hold off an attack warranted an almost utter
defeat by the Aksren clan fleets. The unknown
enemy that was simply referred to as the Emphers
(The Horrid Ones) had broken through the
defenses and began to rain this silver liquid down
on the civilization. The liquid was alive and began
to hunt down every living creature in front of it.
When they reached the Aksren citizens, the fluid
would enter their bodies and completely control
them. Their eyes would turn into the same silver
color, repeating the same lines as “Olin…..Olin
ta….” All will was taken from them, and efforts to
fight back were all but impossible. These
possessed individuals would then chase to attack
the others that fought against them. When the
bodies were damaged beyond use, the silver liquid
would drain and then go after new bodies to
consume. It was deemed that the liquid was the
Emphers themselves. It was an entirely new
lifeform that was in a silver mercury-like state.
Later evaluations had placed them as a silicon-
based lifeform. The term “Emphra” or the “Silver
Rain” was used to identify them later.
The Itreans fought back in whatever way
they could, but it was impossible to stop the
Emphra in their native form. Bullets, lasers, and
the most powerful ranges of biological warfare
were tossed onto them to no effect. Their bodies,
being liquid, were flexible to a wide range of
attacks. What horrified the Itreans even further
was that it was identified that the alien race could
liquify organic tissue or reshape them into
grotesque abominations. Gore nests were carefully
photographed in time that showed them being
able to take control of circuitry, make more of
themselves, or possess bodies to work in making
equipment or vessels to continue spreading.
The only viable weapon that did work at the
time of 2282 were nuclear weapons. An atomic
blast would incinerate the lifeform, but there were
significant problems with such an issue. While in
space, nuclear weapons were used frequently.
They could quickly destroy an Emphra ship if they
hit but fighting on the ground or waters of a planet
was a completely different dilemma. Nuclear
explosions would create heavy fallout and cause
widespread damage to ecosystems and
infrastructure. While the Itreans had been used to
repairing the damages caused by such methods,
the extreme level in this style of warfare was too
much at times. Adjuncts once stated that “We had
to drop nuclear missiles on small cities with tens
of thousands of our fellow citizens…..all to stop a
few Emphra that were attacking them….” At times,
the number of civilian casualties was appalling,
with other worlds that had to be completely nuked
once the Emphra fleets were decimated.
All the clans had been fighting for their
lives, but the Emphra attacks were not always
frequent and moved like a slow crawling wave.
This did, at times, allow the Itreans to regroup,
repair, and build new ships in order to repel their
attacks. Regardless, 2283 and 2284 were known as
the lull periods against the Emphra. While the
Itreans were rebuilding, so were the Emphra that
were preparing to do widespread invasions to
continue spreading. In 2285, the Emphra began
their assaults in absolute savagery. By this year, it
was estimated that 15% of the Itrean population
(combined) had been wiped out or consumed by
the aliens. Even if the Itreans could hold their own
in space combat, it would only take a few Emphra
ships to reach a planet or installation to begin
consuming the population. Great efforts and
sacrifices were made by ship commanders in an
attempt to stop the aliens from reaching the
Something had to be done. Analysts had
been concluding that the chances of the Itreans in
stopping the Emphra were low. Every time a place
had become lost would only add to the Emphra
strength. They were essentially eating the Itrean
civilizations inside out. Each of the clans had their
own tactics in engaging the Emphra, but it wasn’t
enough. There would be one major advantage to
the situation: that was the fact that the alien race
was not allied to anyone. It attacked all the clans
equally. If an alliance could be made, it was
possible that the Itreans could do a better job
repelling the menace.
This wasn’t as easy as most scholars would
think. While it was true that the Emphra attacked
during the Era of Negotiations, the Itreans were
far from cooperative with one another.
Bloodfueds, distrust, and thousands of years of
bitter rivalry reigned in the negotiation tables.
Even when pressed against the Emphra, all sides
blamed the other for unleashing it or not doing
enough to stop them, but there was still hope. The
Yutilians were the most open to such an alliance,
even using the supporting arguments of the
ancient alliances during the Rototrein Rebellion in
taking down the Empire of Jalgren. The Shal’rein
and Yutilians saw reason, and by 2286, the first
coordinated fleet actions were made against the
Emphra. It proved to be partially effective at first
as the act of actually coordinating such moves was
challenging but not impossible. Eventually, the
Itrean fleets started to score several victories.
It would take the Aksren clan some time to
see reason with an alliance. While attacks on their
worlds were still occurring, the Aksren fleets still
managed to hold their own at times, even if they
were alone. This wasn’t to say that they were
always victorious, but when compared to the
other clans, they at least fared better. Many inside
the clan wanted to have an alliance as well, but
prideful leaders stood in the way. Even others
claimed that it was best to let the Yutilians and
Shal’rein bleed themselves dry so that when the
Aksren eventually wiped out the Emphra, the
other clans would be too weakened down to resist
future invasions by the clan. Some argued in
reverse, saying it was going to be the other way.
Eventually, the Aksren began a series of treaties.
This would start as a nonaggression pact, free
access to shipyards to repair and replenish their
vessels in Yutilian and Shal’rein space, and so
forth. It wouldn’t really be until 2287 and 2288
before the partnership alliance was struck. By
then, all the fleets were working in conjunction
together. As soon as a world would be attacked, all
the clans would rush to send their fleets to engage
the Emphra. It proved effective and not a moment
too late. With 19% of the Itrean population wiped
out, the Emphra were difficult to stop.
It wouldn’t be until 2290 that a new and
powerful weapon would be discovered that could
be used against the Emphra. It was found almost
by sheer accident when an Aksren soldier’s laser
pistol misfired, killing one of the Emphra with a
single shot. Confused as to why this laser weapon
was suddenly effective when the others weren’t, a
mission was carried out to retrieve and analyze
the gun and why it worked. It was determined that
the Emphra bodies were particularly vulnerable to
certain frequencies emitted from lasers. The
misfired pistol set itself to this frequency that
resulted in the death of the Emphra creature. The
Aksren and other clans began to manufacture
laser and particle beam weapons tuned to this
specific frequency upon such a revelation. It
proved to be a saving grace for the Itreans. No
longer was it needed to use nukes on the ground
when you had weapons that were safer to use. A
commander once said, “The grazer weapons we
had were the difference between life or death. It
was like a difference between giving our
centurions automatic rifles instead of clubs….”
Suddenly, there was a profound hope that the
alliance and the new weapons could be used to
end the Emphra horde once and for all. Even
warships were equipped with these guns to help
slow down or weaken the advancing warships.
While 2290 was the turning point in the
Emphra War, it was still far from over. Itrean fleets
still struggled in the ensuing fights. The Emphra
would launch wave after wave of ships. While the
Itrean ships were far better at fighting, the alien
vessels came in sheer numbers. The organic metal
that the Itreans used was particularly vulnerable
to the Emphra as they could quickly latch on and
begin consuming the vessel from within. In a few
minutes, the alien menace could actually achieve
complete control of the ship and begin open firing
on other Itrean vessels. New Anti-Emphra
measures had been installed to help combat the
spreading, including advanced Self Destruct
systems to prevent capture.
The Emphra subvert and melt organic matter and
mix it into circuitry or make nests. Artwork by