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Coalition of Deities

When it comes to the gods, the fairy tale characters, the mythical creatures, and anything else non human mortal related, there always exist something that mankind will never know. Formed out of the necessity to wipe out Cataclysm an entity devoted to devouring everything on Earth, the Coalition of Deities was formed. The goal of the Coalition was to put all the resources together from all religions, all beliefs, all the tales, everything was put together into one organization. The Coalition was considered a miracle in it's own right as the ambitions of every creature, god, and was all but apparent. In the end though it was two choices. Work together to fight a common foe or perish. Hundreds of thousands of gods on Earth to even the millions all gathered together to work as one entity. Of course the history of such an organization predates this unity entirely. Human deities and recorded history would go as far back as the Sumer and Indus River Valley Civilizations of several thousand years of human history. These agreements include taking up human form (for non human gods) and avoid using magic in front of human mortals. Doing such actions was considered a way to influence human beliefs or alter their perceptions towards one's beliefs and was frowned upon heavily. In other words, if a human society saw a jackal god walking around in what is today India, it could severely alter mankind's beliefs in that region. One well known agreement allowed a general peace and friendship between the Egyptian and Greek Gods that was widely respected. As far back as even 3000 to 4000 BCE there has been agreements between gods of different cultures to avoid getting in each other's way. Eventually as other deities found one another those agreements would extend to them as well and generally gods stayed out of the way of humanity while being able to worry about themselves. Again this process was never perfect and most cases was simply considered more of a mutual agreement than something that was on paper. The stray humans may see something that they shouldn't and those stories and eye witness events could create a religion as a result. Human history consists of many many religions and beliefs. Gods and Goddesses have their own ambitions and desires and for all intents and purposes the deities behaved and honored those agreements between themselves and human history reflects just that. A stray miracle would still occur and maybe the gods of a particular religion may go on the search to figure out what is going on. Magic exists but in different ways depending on the deity and what they are worshipped as. Each culture encountered something unique as well and those ideas get out together. These agreements have been the downfall of some deities. Good, evil.....humanity worships what they see and making those agreements would mean mankind would never see these gods. Deities sometimes enjoyed the attention and agreements such as these meant that new religions would come into existence and wipe out the previous ones. To many the concept is considered a necessary evil because humanity will die to serve their gods and as a result Crusades can occur which has happened before. It is difficult for humans to worship you if they end up killing each other in the process. The agreements remained and stayed. By the time it reached 1580 AD, it was discovered that a terrible force known as Cataclysm was coming to wipe out mankind and all the gods on Earth. This foe was stronger and more powerful than anything ever seen before and the only way was to unite together and hope that something could be thrown at the creature to save everyone before it was too late. In that year the Treaty of Rudra was passed by all the deities that they must work together or perish. The goals were clear. 1.) All resources must be put together to come up with a solution. 2.) Good, Evil, it didn't matter who you were. Cataclysm would wipe out everything regardless of who you were. 3.) Good, Evil, all past transgressions that you made were forgiven. If you wipe out an entire village two hundred years ago and some god was angry at you, all transgressions you made from that is forgiven. 4.) Mankind cannot be involved in such conflict. They are too weak and offer no resources against Cataclysm. 5.) Mankind cannot know the world is coming to an end if the unity of gods fails to stop it. 6.) All gods must devote their energies to destroying Cataclysm. Failure to do so would only mean destruction of yourself and everyone around you. After Cataclysm was destroyed by 1589 AD, the gods were reduced to the hundreds. Even though mankind was saved and Earth remains, the gods, fairy tale creatures, and mythical creatures were reduced to the hundreds. Fear remained that another powerful creature like Cataclysm could come and repeat the process and this time there would be little to nothing to stop it. In the same year it was deemed necessary to keep this unity in place and keep it for good until further notice. Interestingly and ironically, being reduced to the hundreds actually helped in the passing of the Treaty of Enki where the remaining surviving gods, mythical creatures, fairy tale characters all united under one organization. This organization would be known as the Coalition of Deities. It's rules are as follows. 1.) The Lintarsha Crystal that was used to wipe out Cataclysm and shattered upon use must be recovered. All shards around the world must be found and the crystal possibly resembled to ensure a possible defense against another Cataclysm. 2.) All past transgression regardless of what you did and who you are, are forgiven. The unity must be maintained. 3.) The members must stay out of human affairs unless you assume the role of human. You may not use magic, magical items, or unique abilities to help you or another out in the process of being human among humans. 4.) You must be in human form (If you are non human) among human mortals. 5.) You may not influence the beliefs of other human religions. Failure to do so may result in imprisonment or termination. 6.) Mankind must never find out about Cataclysm, the crystals, the Coalition, or it's members. 7.) Any magic use that isn't from a member must be investigated immediately to determine the cause. 8.) Members are required to participate in missions to search for the crystal shards, investigate any magical disturbances, or resolve anything non mortal related. Human mortals are responsible for themselves. 9.) You may leave or enter the Coalition at will but not during a mission (Usually used to allow members to go and raise a family). 10.) Members must enforce these rules. Those that are not members must still respect the rules of staying out of human affairs/taking up human form/avoid using magic. 11.) Members are encouraged to help one another out. Magic and resources are available to everyone in the group. 12.) Members are allowed to take up a non mortal as a mate/lover and allowed to have children with them as long as the mate/lover does not disclose the information of who you are to other humans. The mate/lover can be terminated or imprisoned if they fail to acknowledge these rules. 13.) Magic and resources are free to the mate/lovers of the members (i.e need healing, a fertility deity, food, home etc) and encouraged. 14.) Human mortals that stand in the way of the assembly of the Lintarsha Crystal can be terminated however an investigation will be determined to ensure that this is not abused and not encouraged. 15.) All members are equal to one another unless the member breaks the rules. 16.) The rules of the Union of non Deities and Non Aligned movement must be respected as long as it does not supersede these established rules. Non Aligned movement excludes rules 8 and 9 however they forfeit other liberties (receive less help for example) as a result. Even with such rules, this is not a prefect and absolute system. It is not uncommon for a deity to still provide a little bit of magic here and there as long as they don't perform miracles in front of the public or the individual to see. Rule 3 for example is often abused by the healer deities and Rule 14 is sometimes abused by those that consider themselves evil. Even the concept of evil is never entirely correct as some members that have committed great feats in helping others might have been seen as horrific actions to others (which is why Rule 2 is important). It is obvious for example for Rule 6 to be dropped if a member take up a mate/lover for the mate/lover to know who you are. It is obvious that some deities/fairy tale characters are unable to participate in missions since they might be put into a combat scenario that they wouldn't be good at. As long as they provide a lot assistance in something or contribute as a whole then they are fine. The system is designed to be very flexible as long as the members feel happy about it. It is not uncommon for members to continually discuss about the ethics and morality of certain decisions to others in the Coalition and internal politics always exist naturally. The flag used by the Coalition is symbolic more than anything else as you won't really ever seen in waved to the public. The Black and White is to represent the concept of good and evil coming together to meet the blurred brown (commonality) center. The circle is to represent the unity or to possibly represent one of the oldest religions in existence as a way to reach as far back as possible for the oldest of surviving deities. Some know this as the Earth symbol the most important thing to all living creatures regardless of who you are. The white center is the focal point where all becomes whole. All colors are important to further add that all are important despite who you might be. The Coalition of Deities would ultimately be renamed the Coalition of Mythics by 2015 with the popularity of the term Mythic. Mythic stands for a deity, fairy tale character, or mythical character that is essentially not a human mortal and originated before World War 1. The term makes word usage much easier to say instead of using the myriad of words associating anything that is not human mortal. By the time it becomes the Coalition of Mythics, the organization reaches about over thousands and thousands of members and continues to grow.