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“As we reach this world, our ships depart, for we have found the promised land. As we shed our clothes, we vow that this new world will be the New Earth. For we will take care of it. We will love it and cherish it forever,” Chris Dortarin 2268. There is no doubt that there is one central planet of great importance in the UWA. Even if it isn’t the main hub for administration, it is the focal point of the human population. As of the 24th  century, there is usually some aspect of UWA culture and society that has impacted the human race as a whole. Cebravis serves as the place that has saved humanity and ushered a new age for most of that population. Commercialism, paradise, naturalism, and influences radiate from this central world alone. History Cebravis’s original name was HD 219134i of the HD 219134 star system. It is a K-Type star located over 21 light-years from Sol. While the folding gate trials were being conducted, various probes were sent to new systems to find a habitable world. At the time, humanity was trapped in the Sol System. Mars, Luna, and a ravaged Earth had created miserable locations. The need to find a new world to survive was paramount. As early as 2259, a man named Alfred Cebravis concluded that there was a habitable world that everyone could live in HD 219134. However, early telescope images and scans showed nothing but close hot planets. There were no habitable worlds that should be there. However, Cebravis was adamant. His models showed that they weren’t looking closely enough and that the first probe launch didn’t gather enough data on the solar system. He insisted that a second launch be made. Finally, the Martian astrological teams agreed. What the probe found would be a shock to everyone. Cebravis was correct, he had found a world that was in the habitable zone, and it had a livable atmosphere. Further probes would be dispatched to prove to everyone exactly what they had found. This world was not only habitable but a lush location. Its gravity was 85% of Earth and was considered to be very much “Near Earth-like” in the environment prior to the 1800s. Oxygen, pressure, was in the same norms as the human body. Even microbes that could prove dangerous were virtually nonexistent. This world was teaming with life that could sustain humanity indefinitely. Rumors began to spread quickly of this newfound discovery. It would help encourage the events of the Gabatrix Experiment that would allow humanity to traverse light-years away from Mars safely. Unfortunately, there were so few transports available that a careful lie had to be constructed to convince the population that further tests were needed. This would allow the colony ships and transport vessels to be built en masse. By 2267, the all-clear was made. The great journey to the new world was made. By now, the first visitors that reached the planet had proclaimed Cebravis as some messiah even if he only found the place. Initially, the world of Cebravis would still be called “New Earth” for the first ten years. However, in honor of the creation of the United New Earth Government, they named the planet after him. The world proved to be precisely what everyone ever wanted. Cebravis is considered to be what many historians see as a release from the central enclosure that humanity had been forced to live in. Mars, Luna, and Earth all required individuals to live inside.  Artificial oxygen cyclers and suits were required for a person to walk outside. The new inhabitants of Cebravis found a paradise world and wonder. It had beautiful landscapes, perfect weather, lush forests, and wildlife everywhere. The stories are numerous that many couples ran to the forests upon exiting the ships. These individuals went into the woods to engage in lovemaking and sex with a complete disregard for everything. While it did happen to a high degree, it didn’t completely happen as families brought their offspring and simply settled down. Regardless, Cebravis was looked at as a second chance for the human race as a whole. The lessons learned from Earth’s eco system were brought forth with the colonization of the planet. Almost systematically, the entire population agreed to place heavy and strict laws on any form of environmental destruction. These laws have often compounded the development of industry, but to the people that live there, the saying “Never Again” is a common phrase. Instead, many on Mars simply let the population of Cebravis develop as they best see fit. The biggest export of Cebravis would be a combination of various foods that had renewable farming techniques and harvesting. Various weeds, drugs, and medicinal herbs were commonplace and easily transferred outward. Even things such as pornography and the adult film industry would be filmed on the planet’s numerous forests, beaches, and mountainous areas. The overall morale of Cebravis has always been healthy. Within ten years of colonization, 500,000 people from Mars, Luna, and Earth went to this world. The numbers would continue to rise for the next several years. It even led to an economic downpour as Martians were leaving in droves to the new paradise world. It would help push for the United World’s Alliance creation and led to much discussion. Should Cebravis be declared the new capital of humanity? By the 2280s, the population was reaching a billion. The great exodus to the planet would lead to a spring of great cities and societies. The biggest problems that Cebravis faced were ones that they were already well aware of. For some, overexpansion was a dominant fear. Efforts were made to ensure that overpopulation wouldn’t lead to damaging environmental impacts. The sudden crash of newcomers put enormous strains on finding jobs often leading to slow economic turmoil. The “No more than two” rule was one that was strict. A woman cannot have more than two children to help limit population explosions. While unfair to some, others see it as a necessary evil. Any native woman who leaves the planet to have many kids and return can be banned from entering as well. This has often led to human rights questions and debates. At the same time, non medically certified drug use, while perfectly allowed, is partially banned in some other colonies. By 2300, many have considered Cebravis to be the “Hippie Planet,” as many of the inhabitants tend to behave similarly to the United States “Hippies” of the 1960s. Naturism is a common belief and value of the environment and landscape. However, this isn’t the dominant theme of the world as other past cultural influences have also rounded into the population. Former Chinese, European, and North American ideals have amalgamated into the spectrum. The population had reached 2 billion by now, although the growth was still attributed to people moving in rather than a singular baby boom. According to the UWA, Cebravis is recognized as a “Breadbasket world,” as they supply the largest amount of various foods, including proteins. Cevan is a popular farm- raised fish that is exported to other places. Various fruits and vegetables make their way to ships alike. It is believed that half of the food of the UWA all comes from Cebravis alone. Recent History The biggest criticism that Cebravis has faced is the lack of representation. Even with such a high population, the world always demands to be made the capital of the UWA. However, it lacks the infrastructure to do it. Mars carries the military industry and houses much of the original administration buildings. Cebravis believes in having little to no military. While the Martians don’t hold the Cebravins by gunpoint, many know the red planet's value. Mars can adequately balance itself with the other colonies and knows that it's best to ignore the constant demands from the Cebravis First Movement. There is no demand by the people to revolt against the UWA openly but simply recognize the population numbers as an important factor in politics. From many of the Cebravins’ points of view, they feel that their high population numbers should have more sway in politics. Extremists believe that the Cebravin time scale should be implemented as the current method of time tracking. At the same time, other colonies fear that the Cebravins will completely over dominate them in the political spectrum. According to Gabatrix, he remained mostly out of the political matters but still believed in having a united government to keep humanity from fracturing. In the end, Cebravis is trapped by this belief. While the general population is very happy, these matters will probably be never be truly solved until there are additional reforms in the UWA that everyone can agree with. For now, the planet does remain as one of the “Core Worlds” of the UWA. It still serves as a center point for many different aspects of UWA society. *Spoilers if you haven’t read past Gabatrix: The First Peace arc* When humanity encountered the Itrean people, there was no doubt that conflict had followed. The UHN was far from adequate in being able to repel the alien assault. After the defeat of Cipra and Eutera, the military forces placed their values on protecting the most important of locations. The main core worlds of Cebravis, Mars, and Batrice were quickly chosen. Each of the three represented valued resources for the human race. Cebravis not only had the highest human population but could supply food to other planets. It was paramount that UHN military assets were devoted to protecting the golden world. The military assets included over half of the remaining UHN forces. For most of the Cebravin population, many felt inclined to stay even if it meant dying in the process. Psychologists and Sociologists had basically confirmed that the people had lived a life of continuous movement that the people wanted to settle down at whatever cost. While discussions were made that the planet might need to be evacuated, many felt that there was nowhere else to go. There is no doubt that the final months of 2349 were the roughest of times. This all changed when a single Itrean probe was sent to the Cebravin system. The message declared that the T’rintar clan wanted to negotiate an alliance. After the events of the alliance, Cebravis breathed a sigh of relief, much like the other surviving UWA worlds. Morale quickly returned to the population, and many openly embraced the alliance. It’s no surprise that the highest number of bachelors for the UWA has taken up Itrean wives, all thanks to the alliance. Many of the T’rintar clan supposedly enjoy the good nature of the Cebravin population. Ratio-wise, the place is looked at as a center point of harmony and future negotiations. Its future role in keeping that alliance stable falls into their hands as their best diplomats are dispatched into the far reaches of Itrean space.
Planet Cebravis’s frontal lit view
Fort Paris, the tethered gate array in orbit of Cebravis.
The flag of Cebravis
Topographical overview of Cebravis