© CMed (TheUniverseofCMed) 2021

Database and Lore


What is Cataclysm? Why do we not see as many gods/deities as we should? What happened to them and where did they go? Long ago in the late 16th century a series of prophets that worked for the deities began to prophesize a terrible fate for Earth, humanity, deities, and all living creatures in general. A massive creature from some where deep in space was coming. This creature would be called one word.......Cataclysm. But what is it and where does it comes from? No one truly knows. What is known is that one god from Earth alone could not stop this thing. The prophets all stated that there was only one way to stop this thing and that was to create a united front. All the deities, all the fairy tale characters, and all the mythical characters that could be found all united together into one organization. This would be known as the Coalition of Deities. Deities from all around the world united together to mount a massive force to be able to put together all their resources into repelling this Cataclysm. Mankind was still in it's infancy, they are too weak, and it was not the purpose of the gods to drag them into this conflict. Good or Evil it did not matter who you were, this thing would wipe everything out on Earth. The first wave of gods were launched at Cataclysm. Far, far beyond Pluto and the outer most reaches of the solar system the wave consisted of most of the Nordic gods, the Titans, and other powerful beings. Only a couple of survivors reported back from the first wave and it was the most horrible news. The wave was decimated......completely wiped out and consumed by a creature of absolute darkness. Cataclysm was something in which even light seemed to never escape from. A couple reported seeing three eyes that sometimes opened and closed as if it was trying to gaze at where it was going. The center was the black maw of nothingness. It moved and traveled where it wanted to go and it took it's time. It was the size of Saturn and bigger than even the Titans themselves. Magic was virtually useless against it. It seemed to consume everything and the only way to fight it was to go into it where it would consume and devour you. There was one weakness though that was hinted in the attack. Even though magic and legendary weapons were ineffective against it, it did seem to slow it down as the wave attacked it. Magic that altered reality or time seemed to have some affect as well but even that did not stop it. The prophets stated that there was one way to stop it and that was the unity of the gods. It seemed that the only way to do it was to create a vessel in which all the magic could be channeled from every god/fairy tale character/mythical character known. If each put a little bit of their power/life essence/magic into a magical crystal and fired into the maw of Cataclysm then it would overwhelm the defenses of the creature and kill it. The Lintarsha Crystal was to be created to do just that. There was one problem and that was time itself. The creature was coming and the crystal would take considerable time to make it, let alone gathering the energy to make it. Years went by in making this crystal as the deities rushed to make it. Time.......more time was needed and the creature was getting closer to Earth. One day mankind would look into the sky, see nothing but darkness and then no more. All would be lost. Nothing could be done to accelerate the process of making the crystal and the fact was the only way to stop Cataclysm was to slow it down, if need be sacrifice themselves in order to ensure that the creature could be destroyed. Wave after wave of deities, fairy tale characters, mythical creatures would be prepared to attack Cataclysm. Before leaving, each would put a little bit of their essence into the crystal as it was being made before they go to attack the creature most likely to their death. No resource was untapped. Even Satan himself offered Hell itself to be used as a launching platform for the waves to attack Cataclysm. Slowly but surely the creature was slowing as the waves would go and attack it. Satan would watch as Hell would be destroyed and consumed by the creature for Cataclysm did not care. Hundreds of thousands of deities were lost in the ongoing struggle to destroy the creature to no success. Eventually dwindled down to the mere hundreds, the deities were extremely close to finishing the crystal. With one last wave, they completed the crystal and fired it. The powerful crystal poured so much energy into Cataclysm that it's deep core was shattered. It harmlessly broke apart and disappeared into nothingness in space like it never existed in the first place. Mankind would never know the sacrifices the deities made to ensure of their survival. The crystal being used and unfinished exploded into several pieces and scattered throughout Earth. By the end of the 16th century, the remaining deities keep the alliance that they forged together. Their goal was to continue living their lives, help one another out, ensure mankind never discovered the existence of the deities or anything that can impact human religion, remain united in case another creature shows up, find the Lintarsha Crystal pieces and reforge it together, search out for other deities, mythical characters, and Fairy tale characters that might have become lost prior to Cataclysm, and keep balance on Earth against other rogue magical creatures that pose a threat to humanity. Even though in the hundreds now the Coalition of Deities remain united and prepare for what may come next. But some do ask the question......are there more creatures like Cataclysm that are out there in the universe? How many and when will another one show up to threaten Earth? Are we prepared against another one? Only time will tell........